I hit the air in about 15 minutes for the last time in 2008. I'm thankful that I have the opportunity to do that, as I was one of millions of Americans who became unemployed this year.
But I have to remain hopeful that things will get better.
Yesterday, Marianne Williamson spoke of faith. While I'm not a religious person, I do believe that we get back the same type of energy we put out. If you put out negative thoughts and energies, those are what will come back to you. If we go into the new year thinking it'll be one of despair and hopelessness, that's what we'll collectively bring to ourselves.
I do believe in the power of the universe and, as Marianne said yesterday, we all brought about Obama's victory. Let's all bring about the type of presidency we want his to be.
And today on Air America, I'll speak with Michael Ratner of the Center for Constitutional Rights about how we might go about making sure Bush, Cheney, Rumsefeld et al get what they deserve for the hell they brought to us over the past eight years.
Come on, I can't be all warm and mushy!
I hope you'll come back and visit Radio or Not regularly in 2009... And if you haven't yet done so, please look to your right and sign up for my mailing list so I can keep you posted on my on-air whereabouts!
Happy New Year.
I want to leave you with an article written by an Israel Peace activist named Uri Avnery. He wrote it a few months ago, but it was just printed in The Nation. We tried to get him on the air today, but couldn't get it scheduled in time. But it's a great thought for the New Year when it comes to bringing peace to the Middle East....
This article originally appeared on Uri Avnery's website.
The following humble suggestions are based on my seventy years of experience as an underground fighter, special forces soldier in the 1948 war, editor-in-chief of a newsmagazine, member of the Knesset and founding member of a peace movement:
A Memo to Obama on Israel
Israeli/Palestinian Conflict
Uri Avnery:
The following humble suggestions are based on my 70 years of experience as an underground fighter, member of the Knesset and founding member of a peace movement in Israel.
1) As far as Israeli-Arab peace is concerned, you should act from Day One.
2) Israeli elections are due to take place in February 2009. You can have an indirect but important and constructive impact on the outcome, by announcing your unequivocal determination to achieve Israeli-Palestinian, Israeli-Syrian and Israeli-all-Arab peace in 2009.
3) Unfortunately, all your predecessors since 1967 have played a double game. While paying lip service to peace, and sometimes going through the motions of making some effort for peace, they have in practice supported our governments in moving in the very opposite direction. In particular, they have given tacit approval to the building and enlargement of Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian and Syrian territories, each of which is a land mine on the road to peace.
4) All the settlements are illegal in international law. The distinction sometimes made between "illegal" outposts and the other settlements is a propaganda ploy designed to obscure this simple truth.
5) All the settlements since 1967 have been built with the express purpose of making a Palestinian state--and hence peace--impossible, by cutting the territory of the prospective State of Palestine into ribbons. Practically all our government departments and the army have openly or secretly helped to build, consolidate and enlarge the settlements--as confirmed by the 2005 report prepared for the government by lawyer Talia Sasson.
6) By now, the number of settlers in the West Bank has reached some 250,000 (apart from the 200,000 settlers in the Greater Jerusalem area, whose status is somewhat different). They are politically isolated, and sometimes detested by the majority of the Israel public, but enjoy significant support in the army and government ministries.
7) No Israeli government would dare to confront the concentrated politi
cal and material might of the settlers. Such a confrontation would need very strong leadership and the unstinting support of the President of the United States to have any chance of success.
8) Lacking these, all "peace negotiations" are a sham. The Israeli government and its US backers have done everything possible to prevent the negotiations with both the Palestinians and the Syrians from reaching any conclusion, for fear of provoking a confrontation with the settlers and their supporters. The present "Annapolis" negotiations are as hollow as all the preceding ones, each side keeping up the pretense for its own political interests.
9) The Clinton administration, and even more so the Bush administration, allowed the Israeli government to keep up this pretense. It is therefore imperative to prevent members of these administrations from diverting your Middle Eastern policy into the old channels.
10) It is important for you to make a complete new start, and to state this publicly. Discredited ideas and failed initiatives--such as the Bush "vision," the Road Map, Annapolis and the like--should be thrown into the junkyard of history.
11) To make a new start, the aim of American policy should be stated clearly and succinctly. This should be: to achieve a peace based on the two-state solution within a defined time span (say, by the end of 2009).
12) It should be pointed out that this aim is based on a reassessment of the American national interest, in order to extract the poison from American-Arab and American-Muslim relations, strengthen peace-oriented regimes, defeat Al Qaeda-type terrorism, end the Iraq and Afghanistan wars and achieve a viable accommodation with Iran.
13) The terms of Israeli-Palestinian peace are clear. They have been crystallized in thousands of hours of negotiations, conferences, meetings and conversations. They are:
13.1) A sovereign and viable State of Palestine will be established side by side with the State of Israel.
13.2) The border between the two states will be based on the pre-1967 Armistice Line (the "Green Line"). Insubstantial alterations can be arrived at by mutual agreement on an exchange of territories on a 1:1 basis.
13.3) East Jerusalem, including the Haram-al-Sharif ("Temple Mount") and all Arab neighborhoods will serve as the capital of Palestine. West Jerusalem, including the Western Wall and all Jewish neighborhoods, will serve as the capital of Israel. A joint municipal authority, based on equality, may be established by mutual consent to administer the city as one territorial unit.
13.4) All Israeli settlements--except any which might be joined to Israel in the framework of a mutually agreed exchange of territories-- will be evacuated (see 15 below).
13.5) Israel will recognize in principle the right of the refugees to return. A Joint Commission for Truth and Reconciliation, composed of Palestinian, Israeli and international historians, will examine the events of 1948 and 1967 and determine who was responsible for what. Each individual refugee will be given the choice between (1) repatriation to the State of Palestine, (2) remaining where he/she is living now and receiving generous compensation, (3) returning to Israel and being resettled, (4) emigrating to any other country, with generous compensation. The number of refugees who will return to Israeli territory will be fixed by mutual agreement, it being understood that nothing will be done that materially alters the demographic composition of the Israeli population. The large funds needed for the implementation of this solution must be provided by the international community in the interest of world peace. This will save much of the money spent today on military expenditure and direct grants from the United States.
13.6) The West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip constitute one national unit. An extraterritorial connection (road, railway, tunnel or bridge) will connect the West Bank with the Gaza Strip.
13.7) Israel and Syria will sign a peace agreement. Israel will withdraw to the pre-1967 line and all settlements on the Golan Heights will be dismantled. Syria will cease all anti-Israeli activities conducted directly or by proxy. The two parties will establish normal relations between them.
13.8) In accordance with the Saudi Peace Initiative, all member states of the Arab League will recognize Israel and establish normal relations with it. Talks about a future Middle Eastern Union, on the model of the EU, possibly to include Turkey and Iran, may be considered.
14) Palestinian unity is essential for peace. Peace made with only one section of the people is worthless. The US will facilitate Palestinian reconciliation and the unification of Palestinian structures. To this end, the US will end its boycott of Hamas, which won the last elections, start a political dialogue with the movement and encourage Israel to do the same. The US will respect any result of democratic Palestinian elections.
15) The US will aid the government of Israel in confronting the settlement problem. As from now, settlers will be given one year to leave the occupied territories voluntarily in return for compensation that will allow them to build their homes in Israel proper. After that, all settlements--except those within any areas to be joined to Israel under the peace agreement--will be evacuated.
16) I suggest that you, as president of the United States, come to Israel and address the Israeli people personally, not only from the rostrum of the Knesset but also at a mass rally in Tel-Aviv's Rabin Square. President Anwar Sadat of Egypt came to Israel in 1977, and, by addressing the Israeli people directly, completely changed their attitude towards peace with Egypt. At present, most Israelis feel insecure, uncertain and afraid of any daring peace initiative, partly because of a deep distrust of anything coming from the Arab side. Your personal intervention, at the critical moment, could literally do wonders in creating the psychological basis for peace.
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About Uri AvneryUri Avnery is a veteran of Israel's 1948 war, a former Member of the Knesset, founder of the Gush Shalom peace movement and winner of the 2001 Right Livelihood Award, often called the "alternative Nobel Peace Prize." His book "1948: A Soldier's Tale, the Bloody Road to Jerusalem," which was published in Hebrew soon after the 1948 war and was a bestseller in Israel, has just been translated into English for the first time by Oneworld Publications. more...
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Here we are... New Years Eve!
Posted by RadioOrNot at 2:43 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Today on Air America
Today is the 5th of 6 shows I'm guest hosting for Ron Kuby on Air America. The main thread running through all the shows is the Year in Review, and we're focusing in on two months per show.
Today, it's September and October. We go from the Democratic Convention to the Republican Convention and, of course, the absurdity that was the candidacy of Sarah Palin for VP! Will there be lots of good audio from her? You betcha!!
I've tried to bring some great guests to the party, and today is one I've truly been looking forward to. Marianne Williamson will join me at the top of hour three-- 2PM Eastern/5PM Pacific.
If you happen to be in South Florida, which is where Radio or Not originates, Marianne will be here for a fundraiser for FIU's Center for the Study of Spirituality Wednesday evening, February 25, at Temple Emanu-El, 1701 Washington Ave., Miami Beach, beginning at 7:30 pm.
Click here for ticket info, or call 305.538.2503.
Posted by RadioOrNot at 1:50 PM 1 comments
Monday, December 29, 2008
Coming today on Air America radio...
I'll be speaking with Newsweek's Jonathan Tepperman who wrote a piece entitled The Noose Tightens: Rumsfeld, Ashcroft and other top Bush officials could soon face legal jeopardy. (Thanks to listener John from Elko who sent me the link a few days ago!)
I'll also be joined by voiceover artist Randy Thomas, who was brought in by the Democratic Party to announce the final night of the convention at Invesco Field, and will add a bit of unique perspective to our Year in Review segment about the convention in August. Randy also just wrote a new book, Voice for Hire, which is must-reading for anyone looking to make a living in the lucrative voiceover field.
July and August are on the menu today as we continue our Year in Review...
Talk to you from 3-6pm eastern at www.airamerica.com!
Posted by RadioOrNot at 1:46 PM 1 comments
Sunday, December 28, 2008
The Year in Review continues
The Year in Review continues tomorrow (Monday) on Air America, as I'll be filling in for Ron Kuby again tomorrow through Wednesday...
But I thought you might enjoy a look at the year gone by much more quickly, by the geniuses at Jib Jab:
Posted by RadioOrNot at 2:21 PM 1 comments
Thursday, December 25, 2008
A Christmas Day interivew on a great cause to support
From my show yesterday when I guest hosted "Doing Time with Ron Kuby" on Air America... and interview with Richard Cohen, President and CEO of the Southern Poverty Law Center. I hope you'll listen, and help them out if you can...
Posted by RadioOrNot at 11:51 AM 11 comments
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Christmas Eve and a last minute gift
I'm getting ready to fill in for Ron Kuby today on Air America (3-6pm eastern), and today's show should be a good one, but I must share this with you before I crack the mic...
Last night, I was searching for the gun shaped egg fryer that Dave Barry told us about yesterday (scroll down to yesterday's post to see his very unique Holiday Gift Guide!). The link takes you to Amazon.com, where I was disappointed to learn that the egg fryer was sold out. But it gave some other gift ideas, like the "My Sexy Little Pole".
Now, not only is the product worth checking out (and perhaps getting for that special someone in your life), but there are three product reviews that are worth the price of admission and more! This one was my favorite (and I found it interesting that only 2 or 9 people found this review helpful!:
2 of 9 people found the following review helpful:
Worth it for the DVD alone, October 21, 2008
NedMuffin (Cambridge, UK) - See all my reviewsI was delighted at the prospect of purchasing an East European bride, as was my elderly mother who couldn't wait for her 48-year old son to leave home. Although Amazon's newest range appeared to be limited to this one Polish babe, I really liked the look of the leggy blonde in the photo, despite her being incorrectly dressed for the scaffolding work she was apparently undertaking. Even with my limited knowledge of the opposite sex, this looked like just the type of special lady that would be handy around the house and a fox in the bedroom. When the parcel arrived, I guessed from the size and shape that I had made an awful mistake, probably due to my over excitement at the prospect of finally finding a life-partner. Of course, mummy said I should have been more suspicious of the modest price but I didn't hear the old dragon comment at the time. In the end, my expectations were dashed by my ignorance of pole dancing, a practice that consists entirely of listening to music whilst hanging upside-down in your underwear. I know this now because the pole -- which incidentally, I use to support mummy's sagging washing line -- came with a free DVD that I watch on a nightly basis after the battleaxe has gone to bed. The quality of this DVD alone warrants my 5-star rating.
On today's show, we'll talk about holding the outgoing administration accountable for their crimes with David Swanson (of Democrats.com, afterdowningstreet.org and DavidSwanson.org) in the first hour. In the second hour, we'll speak with Richard Cohen, President and CEO of the Southern Poverty Law Center. If you don't know of this group, you need to hear what they do! And check out the website at www.splcenter.org)
Posted by RadioOrNot at 2:21 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Filling in on Air America again!
Doing Time with Ron Kuby isn't on in your market, you can always listen to the stream at http://www.airamerica.com/.
Yesterday, I spoke with Mets first baseman Carlos Delgado (hear the interview here) and check out his Extra Bases Foundation here, and today I'll be speaking with humorist Dave Barry. One of my favorite Dave Barry pieces is his annual Holiday Gift Guide for the Miami Herald. If you're still looking for a special gift for the people in your life, you might just find one here!
Tomorrow is Christmas Eve, and we'll speak with David Swanson of Democrats.com, as we wonder what Christmas Eve pardons W has in his bag of crimes. This came in the email box from Democrats.com yesterday, and it's something you should be interested in...
Will Bush Pardon Cheney on Christmas Eve?
On Christmas Eve 1992, defeated President George H.W. Bush pardoned Caspar Weinberger, Elliott Abrams, Duane Clarridge, Alan Fiers, Clair George, and Robert McFarlane for their Iran-Contra crimes. Not one served a single day in jail; Weinberger was about to go on trial and would have tied Bush himself to the scandal.
Will George W. Bush follow his father's precedent and pardon Dick Cheney and his other criminal co-conspirators this Wednesday on Christmas Eve?
Last week, Cheney was all over TV setting the stage for pardons. He admitted he personally approved torture, but insisted it destroyed Al Qaeda and saved American lives.
According to a powerful article by David Rose in Vanity Fair, the Bush-Cheney torture regime accomplished exactly the opposite. The torture photos from Abu Ghraib helped Al Qaeda's recruitment soar. U.S. officers in Iraq say torture-inspired attacks on U.S. soldiers were the #1 and #2 cause of soldiers' deaths. CIA analysts say the "intelligence" produced by torture was worthless.
On November 20, Rep. Jerrold Nadler introduced H.Res. 1531 to urge Bush not to pardon his criminal co-conspirators. Nadler's bill has 9 co-sponsors but we need every Representative (and Senator) to speak out against corrupt self-pardons.
If you haven't signed our petition to Congress, please join over 48,000 who have: http://democrats.com/nadler-pardons
Discuss this here: http://www.democrats.com/will-bush-pardon-cheney-on-christmas-eve _______________________
I'm crazed with the madness of the holidays, but read all the comments, and hope you'll be listening on Air America!
And Happy Hanukkah too....
Posted by RadioOrNot at 2:51 PM 1 comments
Friday, December 19, 2008
I've Got Some Presents for Santa
Hear today's episode of Radio or Not by clicking here (runtime 10:18)
The title of today's entry is actually a song title. It's probably my favorite Christmas song, as it's irreverent and dirty, and sounds good too! Written and recorded by Bill Mumy (yes, the Bill Mumy who played Will Robinson on Lost in Space and the kid from the Twilight Zone who wished people to the cornfield), and sung by Sarah Taylor, it's my holiday gift to you at the end of today's show.
Today's show is really a big thank you for the support you've shown me this year, and my promise to fight the good fight as we move forward into a new year with a new administration.
As you can tell from yesterday's show, I will not give Obama a free ride just because he's a Democrat. If anything, I'll probably be even more critical of him. I know we'll have no shortage of material in the weeks and months to come.
I'll be back with you Monday on the air at Air America, and streaming live at www.airamerica.com, filling in for Ron Kuby from 3-6 pm eastern time. I hope you'll join me!
Hear today's episode of Radio or Not by clicking here (runtime 10:18)
Posted by RadioOrNot at 3:45 PM 0 comments
Thursday, December 18, 2008
What the hell is Barack Obama thinking?
Barack Obama is being too tolerant of hate mongers, of those who've worked for the last 8 years to keep good people down, to promote discrimination and intolerance.
Posted by RadioOrNot at 4:55 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
A listen back to March 2008
Hear the highlights of March 2008 in today's Radio or Not podcast by clicking here (runtime 25:39)
Our look back at the year gone by continues today with March... a month that saw the 5th anniversary of the US invasion of Iraq, and the downfall of NY Governor Eliot Spitzer.
Speaking of Spitzer, why is it that a sex scandal is immediate grounds for an elected official to step down - or even be impeached - but it's not that simple when an elected official is as corrupt as the hard drive that imploded on my other computer last week? Blogojevich won't go away, and we couldn't impeach George W. Bush... but the Republicans impeached Bill Clinton, and Spitzer resigned immediately.... both because neither one could keep their respective dicks in their pants! Unbelievable!
Hear the highlights of March 2008 in today's Radio or Not podcast by clicking here (runtime 25:39)
Posted by RadioOrNot at 1:27 PM 1 comments
Monday, December 15, 2008
February 200- FISA, Pimping and Lynching....
Click here to listen to February 2008 in Review on Radio or Not (runtime 32:41)
As we continue looking back at the year almost past, this episode of Radio or Not focuses on February 2008. This was a leap year, but I spent that extra day in the hospital, fighting pneumonia. However, I still had plenty of audio from the month of February.
This month saw the FISA fight heat up in Congress, a bit of political theater as the Republicans in the House staged a walkout because they didn't want to vote on holding Harriet Miers and Josh Bolton in contempt for ignoring federal subpoenas. We saw MSNBC's David Shuster suspended for suggesting the Clinton campaign was "pimping" Chelsea, but no backlast whatsoever for Bill O'Reilly suggest a "lynching party" for Michelle Obama.
And the hits just keep on rolling....
Click here to listen to February 2008 in Review on Radio or Not (runtime 32:41)
Posted by RadioOrNot at 12:12 PM 0 comments
Friday, December 12, 2008
Sidelined by tech problems
Sorry for the lack of new shows this week. As we near the end of the year, it seems my equipment has been rebelling! I've been working on a video project for a client, and my Mac decided to melt down on me. So, I've been a bit sidetracked by the need to get that project done, not leave a client in the lurch and make some money!
Once I got those problems fixed, my printer apparently decided it was it's turn to monopolize my energies for the better part of the day today!
On top of all that, I'm working on getting my home studio upgraded to be able to do the Air America fill-in work from here. I'll be guest-hosting the Ron Kuby Show during the weeks of Christmas and New Years (Mon-Wed 12/22-24 and Mon-Wed 12/29-21), and I've been dealing with AT&T to get the broadcast lines installed, as well as an engineer to get the equipment I need to be able to do this.
Unfortunately, the Radio or Not podcast has suffered this week. But I promise you that I'll be here and podcast over the holidays and well in to the next year, when hopefully we'll take this baby to new heights!
So, thanks for your patience... We'll get back to the year in review next week, along with some thoughts on the craziness in the end of the year news cycle!
Posted by RadioOrNot at 3:29 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Bagging Blago: The Musical
Hear Bagging Blago: The Musical, today's Radio or Not podcast, by clicking here (runtime 8:31)
Thanks to listener John who posted "Prop 8: The Musical" on the message board a few days ago. Sometimes music helps make the unbelievably awful easier to swallow. So, I figured I'd go the musical route for today's podcast.
With a little help from Crosby, Still, Nash and Young singing about the political machine in Chicago 40 years ago, I bring you yesterday's proceedings from the sad, corrupt state of Illinois and a greedy, corrupt governor who needs to be impeached immediately.
It's a short one today... we'll get back to the year in review tomorrow on Radio or Not!
Hear Bagging Blago: The Musical, today's Radio or Not podcast, by clicking here (runtime 8:31)
Posted by RadioOrNot at 11:32 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Two-fer Tuesday: Que Pasa Illinois, and 2008 in Review: January
Hear today's Radio or Not episode by clicking here (runtime 46:12)
Since I skipped a day yesterday, I'm stealing a theme from Rock Radio... Today is Two-Fer Tuesday.... You get two, two, two shows in one!
The first half of today's Radio or Not podcast is a look at what's in the news today, most of which centers on Illinois. Yes, the governor stood up for the workers at Republic Windows & Glass, who've staged a sit-in. The plant was shuttered, and the workers are being denied certain things they've worked for, including severence and vacation pay.
Even with my limited understanding of business principles, I do know that businesses operate on credit. The biggest casualties in our economic meltdown have been small businesses lines of credit. The $7 billion bailout of our banking industry was supposed to, once again, make credit available both to businesses who need it to stay in business and to consumers who wish to use credit for purchases.
Unfortunately, in Chicago, Republic Windows and Glass who had previously been given operating credit by Bank of America is being refused that credit. The governor of Illinois gave a press conference yesterday in which he said the state will suspend doing business with BofA until they resume doing business with companies such as Republic...
See video of that press conference here.
But, oh, what a difference a day makes, as federal authorities showed up at Governor Rod Blagojevich's home at 6:15 this morning and arrested him on corruption charges related to his appointment of President-elect Barack Obama's replacement in the Senate. Read all about it here.
The second half of today's Radio or Not podcast is the beginning of our annual Year in Review. Today, we go back to January of 2008... from the Iowa caucuses to the final George W. Bush State of the Union address. Listen and remember...
Hear today's Radio or Not episode by clicking here (runtime 46:12)
Posted by RadioOrNot at 12:56 PM 1 comments
Friday, December 05, 2008
Songs and Cars and songs about cars....
Click here to listen to today's musical edition of Radio or Not (runtime 16:36)
I was totally remiss yesterday. I didn't record a Radio or Not show, nor did I write a blog entry. I was torn. I could have commented on the return of the Big 3 CEOs to the Senate, or part 2 of W's first "exit interview"... but nothing really moved me. Plus, I'm working on some other things that kept me occupied for most of the day, and I just let it slide...
Today as I was preparing, I kept hearing Coldplay's "Viva la Vida" playing in my head, as it's in the news... first, for garnering a load of Grammy nominations yesterday, and second, because Coldplay is being sued by guitarist Joe Satriani for plagiariazing the hook of that very hook-laden song.
So, today I decided to indulge the musicologist inside me and look at those two songs, along with some famously plagiarized songs of the past.
And then I moved on to the controversy over what to do with the auto industry. Instead of giving you my opinions, I thought I'd point you toward www.michaelmoore.com. He's done some great writing over the past few days on the subject, and has appeared on a few talk shows, including Countdown, discussing it. Instead, I thought I'd take a brief musical look at how important cars have been to Americana in song. Enjoy.
If you'd like to make suggestions for a part 2, by all means... post your ideas in the comments section below!
Have a great weekend....
Click here to listen to today's musical edition of Radio or Not (runtime 16:36)
Posted by RadioOrNot at 1:39 PM 7 comments
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Richardson, Martinez, Jackie Gleason and more...
You can hear today's Radio or Not episode by clicking here. (Runtime 30:34)
Today's Radio or Not podcast is a potpourri of sorts. There's so much going on at a time of year that's usually so very slooow.
First of all, I'm heartened to see Barack Obama stepping up and actually doing everything he can to prepare to jump in with both feet following his inauguration on January 20. I love the fact that he held a meeting with all the Governors yesterday, proving that this is a pragmatic guy who will actually get things done.
What a contrast to the outgoing administration who only seemed concerned with deflecting blame and responsibility for all the things that were going wrong, rather than trying to fix them!
On today's show we listen to a few clips from that Governor's meeting, as well as a few clips from an interview I conducted with NM Governor Bill Richardson just a couple of weeks before the election. Today, Barack Obama is expected to name Bill Richardson as his Secretary of Commerce.
Yesterday, I played a short clip of an interview I conducted with Sen. Mel Martinez of FL, who had announced that he would not be seeking re-election. Today, I share the entire interview with you.
I also mentioned yesterday's release of nearly 200 hours of White House tape recordings and 90,000 pages of documents of former President Nixon, adding to the long list of secret Nixon material now in public hands. The recordings are of Nixon’s White House conversations from November 1972 to January 1973, and the interesting timing of the new movie Frost/Nixon, opening this weekend... The movie studio must have done research to find out the release date by the Nixon Library and the National Archives, and timed the movie to coincide. Click here to take a look and listen to the tapes and documents.
I also promised during today's show that I'd link to a couple of interviews I had the pleasure of conducting with Ray Davies. Click here to listen to the first one, done on the air at KSCA/Los Angeles. The second one, a sort of off-air continuation of the first, can be heard by clicking here. Enjoy!
You can hear today's Radio or Not episode by clicking here. (Runtime 30:34)
Posted by RadioOrNot at 11:16 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
The Long Goodbye Begins
Hear today's Radio or Not episode by clicking here (runtime 24:26)
I begin both today's blog and today's podcast episode by correcting myself for something I said yesterday. I somewhat backpedaled immediately after saying it, but didn't go back far enough. Then Rachel Maddow corrected me on her MSNBC show.
No, I don't think she did it intentionally... but in her "Lame Duck Watch" segment, she spoke of the damage that W is doing on his way out of office... just a few mere hours after I said he really couldn't do much more damage in his lame status.
See, I was wrong. And I went looking for more of these last minute regulations that are being thrust down our collective throats by this administration. The California Nurses's Association has put together an interesting website to illustrate some of them, and give you a venue to voice your displeasure by signing a petition. Check out http://www.sendbushpacking.com/.
If you can stomach it, you can watch some of the "highlights" of George W. Bush's first "exit interview" with Charles Gibson on ABC here. What's even more fun, though sad in a strange way - when you think about the fact that this guy has inhabited the White House for the past eight years- is to read the transcript, which you can do here.
A few other stories I touched on in today's podcast include the Big Three chiefs heading back to DC, driving their hybrids, taking massive pay cuts and asking again for the money, this time by saying pretty please, with the sugar on top being actual business plans.
And our junior Senator from Florida, Republican Mel Martinez, has decided not to run for re-election. Actually, that's not a big surprise, but worth noting today.
Tomorrow, I will tell you about seeing Ray Davies Saturday night at the newly renovated "Fillmore at the Jackie Gleason Theater" in Miami Beach, and give you some holiday radio fill-in news.
Hear today's Radio or Not episode by clicking here (runtime 24:26)
Posted by RadioOrNot at 4:52 PM 2 comments
Monday, December 01, 2008
Sitting Here in Limbo
Hear today's Radio or Not episode by clicking here (runtime 21:13)
We're at an odd place in time right now... It's lame-duck time for this obscene excuse for a president who was ineffective at best, downright criminal at worst. He can't, nor should he be able to, get anything more done to further damage this country.
It's a time of preparation for our incoming administration. A time when many of you are second-guessing the president-elect's every move. But he's not in power yet, and has not had the chance to show what he can and will do.
He is assembling his team, and wasting no time in doing so. But he does not yet have the power to affect any change or policy. We have to give him time.
For we Americans, it's also limbo time. The time of year between Thanksgiving and the start of the New Year. A traditionally horrific time to be unemployed and looking for work, yet a time of year when companies, feeling the pinch, do often let workers go. And this year figures to be the worst in recent memory.
It's also the time of year when we traditionally spend more than we should, all in the spirit of giving. It's one contradiction after another.
It's a time of waiting, of impatience, and also of hope combined with hopelessness.
I'm suggesting we give our newly elected, not-yet-in-office President Obama the chance to succeed before proclaiming him a failure! He'll get enough of that from the Republicans who'll criticize anything he does.
In watching his introduction of his national security team today, I could hear the bloggers in my mind going nuts. "Where's the Change?" is the refrain that I know will be blanketing the blogosphere.
The change, I believe is right there in front of our eyes. It comes with a president who actually has a brain and the common sense to use it. It's in a president who's secure enough with his intelligence to seek out differing points of view instead of just a cabal of yes-men who'll follow his every order without question-- which is exactly what we witnessed for the past eight years.
Instead, Obama chose people who are highly competent, intelligent, and capable of doing the job. Not a cronie in sight. And for that we should be very thankful. See the credentials of these people here.
The change comes in the form of a president who knows enough to surround himself with other brilliant minds -- even though and even possibly because they may not agree -- and to use the benefit of their knowledge, experiences and opinions to come up with the right answers for the very difficult questions he's charged with figuring out the answers to.
I believe in giving intelligence of the brain-trust type a chance to figure it out. That's why I voted for Barack Obama in the first place.
Let's use the tools of the increased transparency this administration is promising to stay on top of the actual moves made by these teams being assembled, and hold them accountable for every decision made along the way. But how about letting them actually get to work before we deem them ineffective or, even worse, failures.
It's tough to remain optimistic when faced with seemingly insurmountable obstacles. But neither you nor I had the temerity, wherewithal or ability to go for the job. So why don't we just let the people who did and do prove to us that they're worthy of it. At least let them start the job before we tell them they're doing it wrong!
On another note that may prove to be sour to many on the left, I think Obama needs to leave the prosecution of Bush and Company to others. Barack Obama has done amazingly well by staying above the fray, not getting bogged down by drama and political infighting.
He's positioned himself as an agent of change and forward thinking.
If there were not ways to hold the Bush Crime Family accountable for their many crimes against humanity, I would not give this administration a pass on it. But there are.
First of all, one need look no further than little Willacy County, TX and a rogue prosecutor who was able to obtain indictments against Dick Cheney and Alberto Gonzalez. Here's some new info on how he was able to do it. Thanks to Michael Moore for keeping an eye out for us.
Posted by RadioOrNot at 4:12 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Thanks Giving
Click here to listen to today's "Grateful and Thankful" (with thanks to Francis Dunnery for the title song today) Radio or Not episode (runtime 12:17)
Today is the day before Thankgiving, so I thought it would be a good day to give thanks! That's what today's Radio or Not podcast is about.
It's been a hectic, tough week, and I'm still getting my act together after having my belongings stolen this weekend... and battling a cold on top of it.
So, it's a short Thanks-giving list, Radio or Not style. I hope you'll post the things you're thankful for this year in the comments section.
I'll be back with another week of Radio or Not on Monday.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Click here to listen to today's "Grateful and Thankful" (with thanks to Francis Dunnery for the title song today) Radio or Not episode (runtime 12:17)
Posted by RadioOrNot at 12:56 PM 2 comments
Monday, November 24, 2008
The World Isn't Fair
Hear my interview with David Swanson about what we can do to hold Bush & Co accountable for their crimes by clicking here. (Runtime 26:28)
That's the title of a Randy Newman song. I didn't actually produce an episode of Radio or Not today, or I would have used that as the musical intro. Instead, please enjoy a video of Randy performing the whole thing....
Ah yes, this song works on so many levels... as do most Randy Newman songs. But the title swam through my mind yesterday as I was trying to calm my 9-year old daughter down after we found that the rear window of our car had been smashed, and my purse stolen.
We were celebrating our "Forever Day." Yesterday was the 8th anniversary of the day a judge in Kazakhstan officially approved our adoption, making me Alison's mother! It's our most special day of the year.
Alison has long fought learning how to ride a bicycle. But she was ready yesterday. We bought her a new bike as a "Forever Day" gift, and went to a local park to get her going. As I knew I'd never be further than a few yards from the car, I just left my purse inside. I should have known better!
Alison was doing great on the bike, and she rode down the straightaway and rounded the corner, and I ran after her. We were out of the car's sight for no longer than three minutes.... long enough for some lowlife piece of shit to smash the window and take my purse-- complete with all my credit cards, driver's license, $100 cash, social security cards (I knew these shouldn't be in my wallet, but you never think it'll happen to you!), my checkbooks, and my brand new G1 cell phone!
As a friend posted on my facebook page, "That Sucks!"
So, today will be spent doing pre-emptive damage control on my and my daughter's credit, canceling every account I have, getting new cards, and replacing the window on my car.
Oh yeah, we were supposed to go see "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang" following the bicycle lesson. Unfortunately, the time spent filling out a police report, and the fact that I had no cash for parking on top of it made us miss the show... Another hundred bucks spent for the tickets down the drain.
So, no, the world isn't fair. And a group of the biggest thieves to ever steal from the country just might get away with all their crimes.
I am talking about the Bush Crime Family. The first time I heard Mike Malloy refer to them as such I laughed. But it's certainly not funny.
When I filled in for Rachel Maddow and Ron Reagan on Air America last week, I spoke with David Swanson of afterdowningstreet.org about how we can hold these crooks accountable. So, I thought I'd share that portion of the show with you today on Radio or Not.
I have to get on the phone now. Thanks for listening!
Hear my interview with David Swanson about what we can do to hold Bush & Co accountable for their crimes by clicking here. (Runtime 26:28)
Posted by RadioOrNot at 7:51 AM 3 comments
Friday, November 21, 2008
Sarah Palin- Stop please, you're embarassing yourself!
I just had to share this. Sarah Palin decided to do the "spare the turkey's life" photo op up there in Alaska, and then did this interview as turkeys were being slaughtered behind her... in the shot! It's more classic stuff from the VP candidate who just won't go away...
Posted by RadioOrNot at 11:35 AM 3 comments
A postscript on last night's discussion about holding Bush & Co accountable
I just received this email from David Swanson, who was on the Rachel Maddow Show with me last night. It's important enough that I want to post it here for you. Please read it, and take action:
Congress Opposes Bush Pardons
Nadler Introduces Resolution Opposing Possible Bush Pardons of His Own Subordinates for Crimes He Authorized
By David Swanson
Here's a resolution, hot off the presses from Jerrold Nadler, Chair of the Constitution Subcommittee of the House Judiciary Committee:H.RES.1531, "Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that the President of the United States should not issue pardons to senior members of his administration during the final 90 days of his term of office," Sponsor: Rep Nadler, Jerrold [NY-8] (introduced 11/20/2008).
There will be a petition promoting this resolution, through which you can write to your representative and senators at http://democrats.com/nadler-pardons
Senator Russ Feingold editorialized against these possible pardons at Salon.com yesterday; please urge him to introduce in the Senate the same resolution that Nadler has in the House.
Never before has a president pardoned himself or his subordinates for crimes he authorized. The idea that the pardon power constitutionally includes such pardons ignores a thousand year tradition in which no man can sit in judgment of himself, and the fact that James Madison and George Mason argued that the reason we needed the impeachment power was that a president might some day try to pardon someone for a crime that he himself was involved in. The problem is not preemptive pardons of people not yet tried and convicted. The problem is not blanket pardons of unnamed masses of people. Both of those types of pardons have been issued in the past and have their appropriate place. The problem is the complete elimination of any semblance of the rule of law by pardoning one's own subordinates for crimes you instructed them to commit.
Yes, of course, there's something absurd about knowing that a president authorized crimes, not impeaching him, not prosecuting him, not proposing any action with any teeth at all, but formally objecting to the idea of him issuing pardons of his own subordinates for crimes he authorized. But this is where we are. State, local, civil, foreign, and international prosecutions are likely ways of holding Bush, Cheney, and gang accountable, and pardons can't interfere with them. Pardons can't interfere with impeachment. But if we allow these pardons, we not only guarantee no federal prosecutions, and not only give Congress an excuse to drop its investigations, but we also establish the precedent that from here on out any president can violate any law and then pardon the crime. This is simply to end the idea of law. We cannot allow that.
We need to work with Congressman Nadler and Senator Feingold to promote awareness of what is wrong with self-pardons. In this way we can prepare the American public for the appropriate response when the pardons come.The appropriate response will be to demand:
1. Immediate impeachment of Bush and Cheney, even if they are out of office.
2. Overturning of the pardons, as Bush's lawyers told him he could do to Clinton's pardon of Marc Rich, which was a far more minor abuse of the pardon power.
3. Legislation banning self-pardons and pardons of crimes authorized by the president.
4. A Constitutional Amendment banning self-pardons and pardons of crimes authorized by the president.
5. Prosecution of Bush, Cheney, and their subordinates for their crimes.
To receive updates from After Downing Street register at
Posted by RadioOrNot at 11:14 AM 2 comments
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Rachel's back, but I still have one more show to do for Ron!
What a blast I've been having on Air America this week! Rachel Maddow returned from the cruise in time to do the first hour of her show today, but I got to take over for hour two.
I started the show with an interview I did with Scott McClellan (click on the link to hear the interview) on Saturday at the Miami Book Fair, and was then joined by David Swanson to talk about what can be done to make sure George Bush and company don't get away with the crimes they've perpetrated on the American people-- and the world -- for the last 8 years.
David Swanson, a co-founder of http://www.afterdowningstreet.org/ as well as http://www.democrats.com/, has been one of the biggest and best advocates for the impeachment of Bush and Cheney.
During my conversation with David Swanson, I referenced a Salon.com piece written by Sen. Russ Feingold, entitled An unpardonable use of power. It's a must-read.
One key passage reads "There is nothing to prevent President Bush from using the pardon in such a short-sighted and self-serving manner -- except, perhaps, public pressure that may itself be a window on the judgment of history. Everyone who can exert that pressure, from members of Congress to the press and the public, should express their views on whether it would be appropriate for President Bush to use his pardon power in this way."
To that end, I suggest that everyone go to http://www.change.gov/ and make your voice heard. President-elect Obama is asking for our input; let's give it to him!
On tonight's Ron Reagan show, I interviewed Florida Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz. I've known Debbie for a few years now, and do admire her. Although she and I have often butted heads on the impeachment issue -- she sits on the House Judiciary Committee, but has towed Nancy Pelosi's line on this issue -- we've agreed to disagree. We spoke about what to do about the auto industry, the new Obama administration and the cabinet he's assembling, her efforts in helping the Democrats pick up more seats, and I shamelessly asked if she had any spare inauguration tickets. You can hear that interview here:
I spent the rest of the hour taking calls from listeners all over the country. That's something I've really missed. I enjoy doing the podcast, but the one element that's missing is the ability to take calls from people in real time... And the Air America callers have been thoughtful and interesting.
As I was getting ready to wrap things up for the night, Richard Greene, the host of "Clout" - the show that follow's Ron Reagan's - asked if I'd like to hang out for a while on the air with him. I wound up spending the whole hour with him.
I really don't want this week to end. I'm having a blast!
Posted by RadioOrNot at 11:28 PM 4 comments
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
My week on Air America continues
Click here to hear Naomi Klein on the Radio or Not podcast (runtime 14:43)
It's now Wednesday morning, and I'm putting together the lineup for tonight's show.
I meant to come home and write last night, but I was exhausted by the time I got home. Thankfully, there were no technical problems, and I had a great time talking about a topic that I'm obviously quite passionate about-- radio and media in general.
The calls were great, and it was heartening to hear from some old listeners from LA from my days at KLOS and the Mark & Brian Show. What's really amazing is the fact that I left KLOS in July of 1994! Fifteen years ago!
And when I got home, I received some emails from listeners of the station I went to when I left KLOS-- KSCA, which was a one of a kind station.
In fact, I started the Radio or Not podcast to give new life to some of the artist interviews I did at KSCA... the first Los Angeles radio appearance by Dave Matthews was the first podcast I put up on the site. If you go over to the left and go back through the archives, you can still download it and listen. There are a bunch of other gems too: Ray Davies, Jackson Browne, Steely Dan, Ben Folds Five and more. (I just made it easier by linking to the audio files too)
At least some of the LA radio audience who may have found me again thanks to KTLK carrying the Rachel Maddow and Ron Reagan Shows will get a nice audio trip down memory lane!
Tonight, we'll deal with the bailout. I spoke with Naomi Klein, author of The Shock Doctrine, this past weekend at the Miami Book Fair. I've had the pleasure of interviewing her a few times before, and on this occasion, we spoke about how her book is playing out in real time now with the economic crisis we're living. I'm going to use some of the interview tonight, but will post the whole, albeit short, interview here this afternoon as today's Radio or Not podcast.
To the new visitors to the site, thanks for checking it out. I hope you'll come back regularly, even after my fill-in stint at Air America ends.
Click here to hear Naomi Klein on the Radio or Not podcast (runtime 14:43)
Posted by RadioOrNot at 9:32 AM 1 comments
Monday, November 17, 2008
Day One of a Week on Air America
Today I started a week-long stint filling in for Rachel Maddow and Ron Reagan on Air America. They're on the Air America cruise this week, so I get to fill in for Rachel through Wednesday, as well as taking over her second hour on Thursday, and guest-host the Ron Reagan show all week.
Unfortunately, today was one of those days when anything that can go wrong did go wrong... and that included some horrible technical difficulties. On Air America's end, the phones were down! And on our end, the studio had a button stuck that created a feedback loop. Although we couldn't figure out what was creating the problem in time for the start of the show... so people who tuned in at the start of the Rachel Maddow Show heard a repeat of her Friday program!
Ugh... Needless to say, I was pretty freaked out. We pushed buttons and tried everything for about 35 minutes, when I noticed one button that was stuck and seemed like it might be the problem. I had everyone inside the Atlantic Radio Studios (who were kind enough to let me broadcast from there) trying to find needlenose pliers so I could try to get this button popped out. Finally, someone found me a pair and. lo and behold, it did the trick! I fixed it!
As my first guest, Judge David Young said, "not bad for a straight woman!" But I think I'll keep a pair of needlenose pliers with me from now on. It's my tool of choice.
So, we finally got on the air at around 6:45, and I was joined by Judge David Young, a former Miami-Dade Circuit Court Judge .. until Hollywood called. He now hosts the nationally syndicated Judge David Young Show on TV.
I invited David on to the show because tonight's topic was the passage of disciminatory constitutional amendments in California, Florida and Arizona which basically say it's ok to take away the right to marry from a group of citizens. I'm talking California's Prop 8, Florida's Amendment 2, and whatever number it was in Arizona. In these three states, the people who voted in favor of these hateful, discriminatory measures basically said it's ok to categorize gays as a second class of citizens.
Melissa Etheridge joined us on the air as well. She wrote a piece for thedailybeast.com in which she basically said that if 51% of California voters said she was less than a citizen, then she didn't feel she had to give California any more of her tax dollars. She said a lot more than that, and you can read the whole post here.
I also spoke with Barry Lynn. He's the Executive Director of Americans United for Separation of Church and State. I have a serious problem with the fact that the big money behind these measures came from the church-- most notably the Mormon and Catholic churches. I believe they should lose their tax-exempt status for pushing their members to vote in favor of these measures. Barry Lynn pointed out that, though what they did was hateful and despicable, they didn't break any laws. There's a pretty straightforward explanation of what houses of worship may and may not do when it comes to candidates and issues at http://www.projectfairplay.org/.
There are a number of people who are protesting the treatment of the gay community in America with by witholding their taxes. Melissa Etheridge threatened it. Charles Merrill is doing it. Charles Merrill is an "activist artist" multi-millionaire who stopped paying taxes in 2004 when the Bush administration threatened a federal constitutional amendment banning gay marriage. Check out Charles Merrill's website at http://www.merrillcharles.com/ for a look into this fascinating man.
The discrimination against gays doesn't stop with laws against them marrying. Before Nov. 4, there were two states in which it is illegal for gays to adopt: Mississippi and Florida. Oh yes, can't you tell I'm so proud to be a Floridian? On Nov. 4, Arkansas passed a bill precluding single people from adopting, figuring out that since gays can't marry in Arkansas, that group includes all of them too! Unbelievable.
Robert Lamarche is the regional director of Alliance for Children, an adoption agency that specializes in international adoption. I met him last November when I wanted to do a segment on adoption in honor of National Adoption month. He's also a gay man who, with his partner, have become foster parents and legal guardians of a 14 year old. Unfortunately, due to Florida law, they cannot legally adopt their child.
I'm a single adoptive mother! I adopted my daughter from Kazakhstan eight years ago this month. In fact, it was eight years ago tomorrow that I left Los Angeles to head to Almaty Kazakhstan to bring my daughter Alison home. You can read my adoption journal and watch the video I produced of our story here. Just to show you what love can do, here are Alison's referral pictures... she was 15 months old and weighed about 15 pounds in these pictures:

When I took Alison out of the orphanage on November 24, 2000, She was 18 months old and weighed 18 pounds. After six months at home, and lots of love and good food, she was your typical two year old! And today she's a beautiful, strong-willed, smart as a whip with a mouth to match 9 year old, and I couldn't be any prouder than I am today!

Here's a segment from today's Air America show when I spoke about adopting my daughter.
Tomorrow on the Rachel Maddow and Ron Reagan shows on Air America, we'll deal with media... talk radio, the Fairness Doctrine (what it is, was and could mean for the future), and the internet and where it's headed. I hope you'll listen!
Hear the final hour of the show -- the Ron Reagan Show hour -- by clicking the player below:
Posted by RadioOrNot at 9:59 PM 4 comments
Friday, November 14, 2008
Tom Hayden visits Radio or Not
Click here to hear today's Radio or Not interview with Tom Hayden (runtime 30:18)
Activist, California legislator, war protestor, child of the 60's, the former husband of Jane Fonda.. the list goes on of ways I could describe Tom Hayden. He'll be in Miami on Sunday, speaking and reading at the Miami International Book Fair (3pm in Room 3208 if you plan on going).
His latest book is actually a collection of his works from the past 50 years, Writings for a Democratic Society: The Tom Hayden Reader. And it's fascinating, especially when you read his writings from the 60's, when he was embroiled in the anti-war movement, and in fighting for the rights of blacks in the South.
I had the opportunity to speak with him by phone today from his home in Los Angeles, for use on my podcast and on Air America next week. On Radio or Not, you get the whole, unedited interview.
As I was getting ready for the day today, I flipped on Good Morning America, because I heard that they had an interview with William Ayers. I asked Tom Hayden about it, as they were "radical anti-war protesters" together. He hadn't seen the interview, but did tell me that he's known Bill Ayers for 45 years, so didn't need to see the interview.
I was going to include some of the audio in today's show, but I figured my interview with Hayden was enough, and that I'd just post the video from the GMA-Ayers interview here.
I hope you enjoy both... and have a great weekend!
(And don't forget to listen to Air America next week from 6-9pm Eastern, as I'll be guest-hosting the Rachel Maddow and Ron Reagan shows!)
Click here to hear today's Radio or Not interview with Tom Hayden (runtime 30:18)
Posted by RadioOrNot at 3:11 PM 1 comments
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Palin Can't Let Go
Hear today's Radio or Not episode by clicking here (runtime 38:50)
Radio or Not comes to you from Miami Florida. I tell you this only because the Republican Governors Association is meeting here, and that means that Sarah Palin is in town. Sarah Palin, who just won't go away!
During the couple of months between when she was named John McCain's running mate and last week when they thankfully lost the election, Palin only did a handful of interviews, and held not one single press conference. Unheard of for a Vice Presidential candidates. Now we can't get her to shut up.
I started the show today with Lucinda Williams' magnificent Can't Let Go in Palin's honor.
Today, at the RGA gathering, it was widely hyped that the Governor of Alaska would be giving her first press conference. So, I watched with recorder rolling, figuring that something of substance might come from this woman. Boy was I wrong.
I reached out to a dear friend who always has an interesting and funny way of looking at women in history. So today I bring you a conversation with Amy Simon, who has the distinction of doing LA's longest-running one-woman show, Cheerios in my Underwear, and her take on the phenomena that is Sarah Palin.
I also stop down in the middle of it to share the audio of the press conference. But you can hear it, sans my comments, here. Notice the suit, which is obviously from the consignment collection!
Hear today's Radio or Not episode by clicking here (runtime 38:50)
Posted by RadioOrNot at 3:48 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
A Special comment FOR Keith
Click here to listen to today's Radio or Not (runtime 24:52)
If you scroll down to my first post yesterday, you'll see the video from Keith Olbermann's appearance on The View from Friday. I posted it with a very short statement that said this doesn't need any comment. But actually, it does. It screams for a Special Comment in the best Keith Olbermann style.
Unfortunately, I'm not as eloquent as is Keith. And I came up with my best ammo for this comment as I was posting it, after finishing producing the show. And since I have a life and other things I need to accomplish today, it's going to have to wait until tomorrow or, perhaps, until next week when I fill in for Rachel Maddow and Ron Reagan on Air America, and have a larger audience.
Now, please don't misunderstand. I still love Keith Olbermann. I'd probably even join his fan club if I ever did such things. But I'm so disappointed. And as a parent who knows what those words can do to a child, I hope it stings.
So, today's RoN ends with a Special Comment aimed squarely at Keith's huge shoulders.
But that's not all we discussed today. I also spoke of the hypocrisy of Keith's bosses at MSNBC-- those same bosses who suspended David Shuster for using modern vernacular when he opined that the Clinton Camp was "pimping out" Chelsea, yet did nothing of the sort when Joe Scarborough, host of Morning Joe, let loose a giant FUCK while rambling on at 8:15 on Monday morning!
No suspension, no punishment. Just the addition of a 7-second delay, lest this professional broadcaster let yet another f-bomb fly on national television! Apparently this was his second indiscretion.
Good thing Joe's relelgated to the cable channel MSNBS rather than the "over the air" NBC, where he'd be subject to a minimum $325000 fine. Yes, that would be the fine if I uttered that dreaded word on a radio station with 1/10 the amount of listers....all thanks to Janet Jackson's nipple!
Seriously, the Supreme Court is hearing the case of "fleeting expletives". But in Scarborough's case, it was not fleeting. He said it, loud and clear.
Hear it for yourself, and watch the look on Mike Barnicle's face:
I also delved into the Demcrat's dilemma of what to do with Joe. Newsweek's Howard Fineman discussed it with Keith Olbermann last night on Countdown (the Joe talk comes in at around 4:15):
Jane Hamser of FireDogLake wrote a great piece on the subject for The Nation. The comments at the end are pretty insighful too!
And of course, Robert Greenwald of Brave New Films has produced a new video and launched a website at www.leibermanmustgo.com.
Click here to listen to today's Radio or Not (runtime 24:52)
Posted by RadioOrNot at 1:35 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Veterans Day 2008
It is a day to honor those who've served our country. I found this video today, and post it here as a tribute to those who don the uniform, and do so for the right reasons.
The Radio or Not podcast will return tomorrow. In the meantime, Happy Veterans Day!
Posted by RadioOrNot at 11:46 AM 0 comments
The View and Keith Olbermann
Keith Olbermann was on The View yesterday. I have a couple of observations.
He looks like he's a grown-up at a little girls tea party (by size only).
And, I wish I hadn't heard this part, he doesn't vote!?!!?? I'm disillusioned.
Posted by RadioOrNot at 8:29 AM 3 comments
Monday, November 10, 2008
Is Gay the new Black?
Click here to listen to today's Radio or Not (runtime 31:12)
Of course I'm being facetious with the title of today's entry but, honestly, if Focus on the Family had it's way, the bigotry that used to be acceptable with a wink and a nod would just transfer to a new second-class of citizens.
This weekend, I was exposed to a piece of pornography put out by this group that enjoys 501(c)3 tax-exempt status and purports to be preaching the word of God, yet they put out a vile piece of propaganda to their faithful prior to the election in the form of a letter from "2012 in Obama's America" which was filled with bigotry, hate and lies. This is the definition of hypocrisy in my book.
I read portions of this in the second part of today's podcast. The first part includes an interview with Judge David Young, a former Circuit Court Judge from Miami who stepped down from the bench to host The Judge David Young Show on TV. As a judge and an openly gay man, I thought he was a good person to talk with about the constitutional amendments that passed on November 4, taking rights away from a whole class of citizens.
I railed against Focus on the Family, and the Mormon, Catholic and other churches that participated in urging their paritioners to vote in favor of discriminating against gays (and took any other political positions at all), and it is my belief that all such groups should immediately lose their tax-exempt status.
The IRS has a complaint process, should you care to avail yourself of it here. They sure don't make the form you have to submit easy to find, so I found it for you. Download Form 13909 here.
Click here to listen to today's Radio or Not (runtime 31:12)
Posted by RadioOrNot at 1:01 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 08, 2008
Sarah Palin unmuzzled, also
I don't think any comment is really necessary!
Posted by RadioOrNot at 8:51 AM 1 comments
Thursday, November 06, 2008
Bittersweet Symphony Victory
Hear today's Radio or Not by clicking here (runtime 23:52)
I didn't want to let go of the euphoria of the victory yesterday, though I think I did make reference to the bittersweet element embedded in the day at one point in yesterday's program. Today I go into full detail on the bittersweet nature of the day, and the hypocrisy of organized religion.
I'm in Florida, I still consider California home, and oddly enough, my boyfriend is in Arizona right now visiting his son who attends his alma mater of the University of Arizona. Taking a cue from Keith Olbermann, I'll call these the three worst states in the union today.
I came across this picture on Facebook today, and it applies to all three....
I'm not as cynical as this post makes it appear. Click here to see an awesome display of newspaper headlines from yesterday! You can't help but feel good after checking this out.
Posted by RadioOrNot at 8:22 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
New Beginning
Hear today's Radio or Not episode by clicking here (runtime 22:00)
When Barack Obama won the Democratic nomination, I changed the theme song of my then-radio show from The Propellerheads' (featuring Shirley Bassey) "History Repeating" to Tracy Chapman's "New Beginning."
So, of course, I felt as if I had to begin today's episode of Radio or Not with that same theme, as I have to believe it truly is a new beginning in so many ways.
I had a bit of a dilemma today regarding the podcast. It was a long day for me, fraught with peter principle type problems, precluding me from getting anything done on this show earlier in the day... thus the reason for the posting of this episode at 11pm.
But I certainly couldn't let this historic day, this most momentous world occasion of my adult life pass without producing a program commemorating it. As the day progressed, the music kept playing in my mind, along with the beautiful and, yes, eloquent words spoken by President-elect Barack Obama last night as the world watched and listened.
So, I decided to let some of the music and some of Obama's speech do most of the talking on today's show. I hope it's not too self-indulgent, and that you'll get the same goose bumps listening to it that I got putting it together.
The music used in this program:
Tracy Chapman - New Beginning
Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young- Chicago/We Can Change the World
Bruce Springsteen - Long Time Coming
Todd Rundgren - Just One Victory
Widespread Panic - Hope in a Hopeless World
New Radicals - You Get What You Give
Elvis Costello _ (What's so Funny About) Peace, Love & Understanding
Eric Clapton - Change the World
Paul Simon - American Tune
In case you didn't get to see Barack Obama deliver this amazing speech, you can watch it here...
And this is the ad that ran the last couple of days of the campaign that brought me to tears...
Now, let's change the world...
Hear today's Radio or Not episode by clicking here (runtime 22:00)
Posted by RadioOrNot at 10:48 PM 0 comments
It's the dawning of a new era!
I got the birthday present I wanted last night.
And this is a gift that will last for years to come and, considering the ramifications of the Supreme Court, for at least a generation!
If you couldn't stay awake late enough last night to see Barack Obama's acceptance speech, here it is. Goosebumps included!
Posted by RadioOrNot at 6:41 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Election day is here, so is Al Gore
Click here to hear today's Radio or Not podcast, a conversation with Vice President Al Gore (runtime 11:52)
As promised in my post from earlier this morning, here's the conversation we had with Al Gore! Enjoy.
Now go vote!
Posted by RadioOrNot at 1:22 PM 0 comments
Election Day is finally here!
It's hard to believe, but this day has finally arrived. It also happens to be my birthday today, and I hope my gift will be a big change with the election of Barack Obama as the next president of the United States!
This morning on 850 WFTL, we had the opportunity to interview Vice President Al Gore! As soon as I can upload the interview, you'll be able to listen to it here.
After I got over my star-struck moment at the beginning of the interview, I did ask him about an email making the rounds urging Barack Obama (in the event of any possible problems like we saw in the last two presidential elections) not to condede tonight. You'll be able to hear his response when I post it, but here's the letter to which I referred:
"Election Night, DO NOT CONCEDE: An Open Letter Signed By Gore Vidal & Others To Senator Obama & The Democratic Leadership"
"Eight years is too much" is how Barack Obama explained why we must win the coming election and begin to restore America. But, even if we receive the most votes, will we win the election?
Both of the last two elections were conceded by the Democratic presidential candidate. The 2004 election was handed to George Bush while votes were still being counted in closely-fought Ohio. While the 2000 election was contested to the Supreme Court, it too was ultimately conceded to Bush "for the good of the country." Some good.
Numerous politicians, investigators and authors, including Robert Kennedy, Jr., agree the 2004 election was stolen, not only in Ohio but in several other battleground states. Tactics included purging of legitimate voters and the use of nefarious voting software--but when even these actions did not yield the required numbers, Republican election officials simply changed the vote tallies in several states, all without a peep from the Democratic Party.
In the time since the last general election the public has learned much about these scandals, which have led some states to reject electronic touchscreen voting (and which caused the infamous Diebold voting machines corporation to hide behind a new corporate name,) yet the Democratic Party seems to have learned nothing.
If we cannot afford another Republican administration, we cannot afford a third concession in the face of election fraud. Already there is evidence of massive fraud such as voter purging and caging of Democratic voters, and "flipping" of votes in early voting on electronic touchscreen machines. It is reasonable to once again expect further manipulation on election night by some Republican operatives and election officials, as was seen in 2004; should we also expect our Democratic Party leaders and candidates to repeat history, by once again conceding in the face of such blatant fraud?
Senator Obama, we need you, our Party and all candidates to stand firm, come what may on election night. You ask us to work for you, contribute to you--and to have your back; we ask that you promise to have our back: We ask that you PLEDGE TO STAND FIRM, AND NOT CONCEDE THE COMING ELECTION in the face of election irregularities, no matter how long it takes to contest such fraud, while there remains any doubt as to any part of the process. Be assured, Democratic voters will be more--not less--energized if we see you promise to stand firm.
Senator Obama, if there is any reason to contest the election, DO NOT CONCEDE!
Signed: (Titles for identification purposes only)
Gore Vidal, Author
Bob Fitrakis, Professor of Political Science, Columbus State Community CollegeAttorney; Editor of The Free Press (freepress.org)
Harvey Wasserman, Senior Editor, FreePress.org; Author of SOLARTOPIA! Our Green-Powered Earth
Mark Crispin Miller, Professor of Media, Culture and Communication at New York University; Author of Fooled Again, How the Right Stole the 2004 Election
Tim Carpenter, Director, Progressive Democrats of America
Mimi Kennedy, Chair, National Advisory Board, Progressive Democrats of America
David Swanson, Co-Founder, After Downing Street
Jeff Tiedrich, Publisher, SmirkingChimp.com
Eric Bauman, Chair, Los Angeles County Democratic Party
Garry S. Shay, Member, Democratic National Committee (CA)Lead Chair, Rules Committee, California Democratic Party
Jo Olson, MD, Co-Chair, Progressive Caucus, California Democratic Party
Mal Burnstein, Co-Chair, Progressive Caucus, California Democratic Party
Marcy Winograd, Executive Board representative, California Democratic Party, 41st AD; Former Chair, Progressive Democrats of Los Angeles
Jodie Evans, Co-founder, CODEPINK: Women For Peace
Medea Benjamin, Co-founder, Global Exchange and CODEPINK
David Earnhardt, Filmmaker, "Uncounted: The New Math of American Elections"
Dorothy Fadiman, Filmmaker/Producer, "STEALING AMERICA Vote by Vote"
Don Goldmacher, Chair, Election Integrity, Progressive Caucus, California Democratic Party
Michael Jay, Progressive Democrats of America, Special ProjectsFormer Delegate, California Democratic Party, 42nd AD
Sheri Myers, Director, "Wake Up and Save Your Country"
Robert A. Feuer, Former Chairman, Stockbridge, MA Town Democratic Committee
Thomas Patrick O'Shaughnessy, Region 3 Vice Chair, Los Angeles County Democratic Party; Chair, Irish American Caucus, California Democratic Party
Howard Jennings, PDA-Virginia, State Co-Coordinator
Sarah Stott, Chapter Chair, PDA-Virginia
Evi Klett, PDA Co-State Organizer for Colorado
Lisa Pease, Co-editor, "The Assassinations: Probe Magazine on JFK, MLK, RFK and Malcolm X"
Cindy Asner, Former Delegate, California Democratic PartyMember, National Advisory Board, Progressive Democrats of America
Karen Bernal, Executive Board Representative, California Democratic Party, 5th AD; Officer, Progressive Caucus, California Democratic Party
Julie Lopez Dad, President, Santa Monica Democratic ClubChair, 41st AD Committee, Los Angeles County Democratic Party
Dr. Bill Honigman, PDA California State Coordinator and Orange County Chapter Leader; Delegate, California Democratic Party, 73rd AD
Rob Kall, Publisher, Executive Managing Editor, OpEdNews.com
Linda Milazzo, Senior Editor, OpEdNews.com; Blogger, Huffington Post
Rady Ananda, Senior Editor, OpEdNews.com
Jan Baumgartner, Managing Editor, OpEdNews.com
Joan Brunwasser, Election Integrity Editor, OpEdNews.com
Cheryl Biren-Wright, Managing Editor, OpEdNews.com
Susie Shannon, Executive Board Representative, California Democratic Party, 42nd AD; Founder, Poverty Matters
Sherry Healy, Co-Founder California Election Protection NetworkCoordinator, Election Defense Alliance
Laura Bonham, Summit County, UT Democratic Party Chairperson
Albert E. Fairchild, Retired Foreign Service Officer
Dorathea Peters, Precinct Captain, Alexandria, VA Democratic Committee
Posted by RadioOrNot at 8:33 AM 2 comments
Monday, November 03, 2008
The Difference Between Us
Hear today's short but sweet edition of Radio or Not by clicking here (runtime 10:23)
It's now almost 2:00 on Monday afternoon. I've had some time to calm down after a frustrating morning. I guess the most frustrating thing about this morning was that I didn't have a chance to say what I did say in today's podcast.
I hope you'll listen, because it's about the key differences in this campaign. It's about compassion and kindness. And it's about the fact that we seem to be tired of the lack of that common courtesy.
It is about change. And every inch of my being believes that the goodness will finally triumph over selfishness.
We're going to see record numbers of people voting tomorrow. That, in itself, is the best birthday present I could hope for. Ok, maybe the second best...
Thanks for listening. I'll talk to you tomorrow... And remember, you can talk back. Please feel free to post away on the message board to your right!
Hear today's short but sweet edition of Radio or Not by clicking here (runtime 10:23)
Posted by RadioOrNot at 1:49 PM 0 comments