And I guess I was one too, as I dressed as the scariest character I could think of today!
At least I realized who'd make the best president!
Anyway, in my role as the contributor from the left on the 850 WFTL Morning Show, I truly got a workout today. I got hit from right field in the first few minutes of the show, when we were joined by Randall Terry.
If the name sounds familiar, it's because he was the spokesman for the Schindler family, Terry Schiavo's parents, during that lovely piece of Florida history. Now he's the mouthpiece for some Catholic Bishop who's telling his parishoners that if they're good Catholics, they can't vote for Obama because he's "pro-abortion"! Yes, my blood started boiling shortly after 6:00 this morning.
But wait, it got better! We were joined by another GOP tool, Tim McClellan, the "Broward Regional Manager of the McCain Victory '08 Office" (yes, that's his exact title), who callled in to tell us of a terrible incident that occurred when an apparent Obama supporter unfortunately pushed a McCain supporter. He only wanted to infer that this was indicative of all of us Obama supporters, and I wasn't about to let him get away with it.
Ok, just when you think we can't top that one... actor Jon Voight called in. It was a very civil interview... but he just had to blow it by quoting some UK columnist that no one ever heard of at the end about Obama's Jew-hating co-horts...
And finally, the piece de resistance.... none other than the hack Jerome Corsi, who's now alleging some nonsense about Obama and drug dealers. Thank God it's Friday!
We did get to speak with the Annette Taddeo, the Democratic Challenger to Republican Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, but I didn't want to sully her good name by including the audio of that interview with the rest of the vile stuff from this morning. She will join me on the air again tomorrow, as I host a live three hour live show from noon-3pm on 850 WFTL. I promise it'll be a much more civil gathering than the truly frightening Halloween spectacle that was this morning's show.
But, if you listen in the spirit of Halloween, perhaps you can enjoy the horror of it all....
Please join me tomorrow, as I'll host a live show on 850 WFTL from noon-3 (eastern). If you're not in South Florida, you can still listen live online at And I hope you'll participate by calling in at 877-850-8585!
I did get to vote yesterday! And it felt great to fill in that little bubble for Obama/Biden and put it through the optical scanner. Unfortunately here in Florida, though we now officialy have a paper trail, there's no mechanism on these machines to verify that they read your ballot correctly. And, given the track record, I have a hard time just trusting the technology.
I guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens Tuesday night when the results start pouring in. When I interviewed John Kerry last week and asked the question about the advice he gave Obama, I was trying to find out about any counsel he gave on not conceding too early, but Kerry wanted none of that. I got the impression, however, that we were on the same wavelength. Again, we'll have to wait and see....
After voting yesterday, I came home to take a nap so that I'd be well rested enough to enjoy the rally with Obama and Biden and the Bank Atlantic Center here in Ft. Lauderdale. Unfortunately, my car had a different idea when it wouldn't budge out of park after stopping to get gas on my way to pick my daughter up from school to go to the rally! By the time my boyfriend got Alison from school and AAA arrived to show me the trick that'll always get your car out of or in to gear, and we were able to get up to the BAC, it was so jam packed we couldn't get near the place.
So, we went to a lovely dinner, and back to his house in time to watch the infomercial (which I thought was beautifully done) and the live cutaway to the rally at which we, had it not been for my car, would have been!
But I was feeling very good anyway, as I voted earlier! And I had my Obama Girl button, complete with my "I Voted" sticker affixed to it attached to my shirt when I arrived at the WFTL studios this morning.
It was a busy day on the air, and thus this is a jam-packed podcast. On today's show you'll hear our interviews with DCCC Chairman Chris Van Hollen, Republican incumbent Congressman Mario Diaz-Balart from Florida's 25th Congressional District, followed by his challenger Joe Garcia; Ben Graber, the NPA candidate challenging Robert Wexler called in today after hearing both of his opponents yesterday; and we also heard from incumbent State Representative Ellyn Bogdanoff (who's also representing Jewish Women for McCain) and her challenger for the seat from District 91, Chris Chiari.
It's now off to bed, as tomorrow's another busy day. Aside from the WFTL Morning Show, it's Halloween, and I get to take pictures at my daughter's 4th grade class party and, of course, go trick or treating tomorrow night.
Please remember to join me Saturday from noon-3pm, as I host a live pre-election show on 850 WFTL. It'll be me and you and some guests... so please listen and call in to 877-850-8585.
Did you get to watch the 30 minute Obama infomercial last night? I must admit, I was a bit worried about this move by the campaign, thinking it might either be- or be perceived as overly ambitious and presumptuous, but I was completely impressed by the show in every aspect.
If you missed it, set aside 30 minutes and watch it now. And send it to your friends too...
What's truly amazing is that Cindy McCain's convention outfit cost $300,000. More than double what was spent for Sarah's wardrobe. Somehow, that little fact is never mentioned.
With only 6 days left this election season, it's another full morning on 850 WFTL! I'm responsible for bringing in the guests with a more liberal lean; Russ Morley brings in the guests from the right.
This morning, we began early with a visit from director Spike Lee. We also spoke with the Republican Florida State House Rep. from District 91, Ellyn Bogdanoff who, in addition to defending her seat against challenger Chris Chiari, is doing Jewish outreach for John McCain. (We'll offer Chris Chiari a chance to come on with us this week as well, and I'll include both of those interviews on the same podcast...)
We have a competitive Congressional race in District 19. Democratic incumbent Robert Wexler is being challenged by Republican newcomer Ed Lynch, and former Broward Commissioner Democrat Ben Graber, who's running as an independent. This morning, we spoke with Lynch and Wexler; Graber did not respond to our request for an interview.
I'm keeping today's blog short and sweet, as I need to take a nap so I can go to the Obama rally this afternoon/evening at the BankAtlantic Center. This time, I'm bound and determined to get in... we even have tickets. I'll give you all the details tomorrow on Radio or Not...
As I wrote earlier, it was a busy morning on 850 WFTL! So, it's a busy episode of the Radio or Not podcast too...
It starts with the interview Russ Morley and I conducted with former Hialeah Mayor Raul Martinez, who's challenging incumbent Republican Lincoln Diaz-Balart for his seat in the US House of Representatives from Florida's 21st District. The eyes of the nation are on this race, as it's polling about 1 point apart, and it's also one of the nastiest contests being fought this year.
The Martinez interview is followed by Lincoln Diaz-Balart!
We then had a nice, non-confrontational interview with Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm.
And I went on the offensive (a bit) with our last two guests: former NRA President, now on the campaign trail with "Women for McCain/Palin" Sandy Froman; and CT Senator Joe Lieberman.
On WFTL this morning, we already spoke with Raul Martinez, and coming up in about 15 minutes, we'll have the incumbent Congressman from Florida's 21st District, Lincoln Diaz-Balart. I'll include both interviews in today's podcast, along with the interview we just conducted with Sen. Joe Lieberman.
I did ask Lieberman who he'll be caucusing with come Jan. 21, but he really didn't answer the question....
Also coming up this busy morning, Michigan Governor Jennier Granholm, at around 8:25...
It's 6:49 am, and I'm working on the 850 WFTL Morning Show. Now, I knew when I accepted this position that I'd be on the defense here, as this is an unabashed right-wing radio station.
This morning, the show's host Russ Morley asked the question, "What issue do you think has been blown out of proportion in this campaign?" and some doltish caller said something to the effect of "there's something that hasn't been covered enough, and that's the fact that Obama's birth certificate is a fake!"
These days are truly long, but I'm not complaining! Between waking at 4am to be part of the 850 WFTL Morning Show, and being a mom, and cultivating a wonderful relationship, and doing this blog and podcast, the days are truly full... but I wouldn't have it any other way.
It's now 7:15 eastern, I just confirmed an interview with Spike Lee for Wednesday morning (6:40am live for those of you who can listen to it on 850 WFTL, and here later in the day on the Radio or Not podcast), and I finally got today's show finished.
So, click on the link above or below to hear Caroline Kennedy and Jason Alexander.
And, as I mentioned during the program, confirmation came in today about another Barack Obama event here in South Florida. This Wednesday afternoon, Barack will be at the Bank Atlantic Center.
Tickets to the Early Vote for Change Rally with Barack Obama and Joe Biden are not required, but an RSVP is strongly encouraged. Members of the media should visit to apply for credentials.
EARLY VOTE FOR CHANGE RALLY WITH BARACK OBAMA BankAtlantic Center One Panther Parkway Sunrise, FL 33323
Doors Open: 4:30 PM
The event is free and open to the public. Tickets are NOT required, but an RSVP is strongly encouraged. Members of the public are invited to RSVP at
To receive a “Preferred Entry Pass” please visit the locations listed below. Space is limited and is available on a first-come, first-served basis.
Preferred Entry Pass Locations
***Passes are available Monday 3pm-6pm, Tuesday 9am-6pm, and Wednesday 9am-12pm***
Florida's Campaign for Change Table at the African-American Research Library 2650 Sistrunk Boulevard Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33311
Florida's Campaign for Change Table at Miramar City Hall 2300 Civic Center Place Miramar, FL 33025
Florida's Campaign for Change Table at Tamarac Branch Library 8701 W. Commercial Blvd Tamarac, FL 33321
Florida's Campaign for Change Table at Lauderhill Mall 1501 NW 40 Avenue Lauderhill, FL 33313
Florida's Campaign for Change Table at Northwest Regional Library 3151 University Drive Coral Springs, FL 33065
For information on early voting Locations, please visit or call 1-877-2FL-OBAMA.
Further details to be announced as they become available.
***For security reasons do not bring bags and limit personal items. No signs or banners permitted.***
It was a busy morning on WFTL today, as we had the opportunity to speak with both Caroline Kennedy and Jason Alexander! I'll include both of those interviews in today's podcast, which I'll upload sometime this afternoon.
Yesterday I took Alison to a Kids for Obama rally in Coral Gables, followed by a stop at "VoteFest '08" in North Miami Beach. The excitement this election year is like nothing I've ever experienced.
As I mentioned before, Jason Alexander is out and about in South Florida today. He spoke with us this morning, and he'll be talking to voters in Boca, Margate and Pembroke Pines today. Here's his schedule if you want to hear what he has to say:
EARLY VOTE TABLE STOP-BY WITH JASON ALEXANDER AT FLORIDA ATLANTIC UNIVERSITY Florida Atlantic University – ‘Breezeway’ between Cafeteria and Library 777 Glades Road Boca Raton, FL 33431 10:30 AM
PEMBROKE PINES 27 MARCH FOR CHANGE EVENT WITH JASON ALEXANDER Silver Lakes Park North 2300 NW 172nd Street Pembroke Pines, FL 33026 12:00 PM
And Matt Damon continues his swing through South Florida today. Here's his schedule: UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI EARLY VOTE FOR CHANGE RALLY WITH MATT DAMON
The Rock at the University Center 1306 Stanford Dr Coral Gables, FL 11:45 AM
VISIT TO HOLLYWOOD CAMPAIGN FOR CHANGE OFFICE Hollywood Campaign Office 7050 Taft St Hollywood, FL 2:30 PM
And finally, to put things into perspective, enjoy this song and video from Renee & Jeremy, "We Are One"... (and look for a cameo from Alison and me near the end!)
October 24, 2008 Editorial Barack Obama for President Hyperbole is the currency of presidential campaigns, but this year the nation’s future truly hangs in the balance.
The United States is battered and drifting after eight years of President Bush’s failed leadership. He is saddling his successor with two wars, a scarred global image and a government systematically stripped of its ability to protect and help its citizens — whether they are fleeing a hurricane’s floodwaters, searching for affordable health care or struggling to hold on to their homes, jobs, savings and pensions in the midst of a financial crisis that was foretold and preventable.
As tough as the times are, the selection of a new president is easy. After nearly two years of a grueling and ugly campaign, Senator Barack Obama of Illinois has proved that he is the right choice to be the 44th president of the United States.
Jason Alexander will be in town Sunday and Monday, stumping for Obama. Here's all the info if you want to get out to see him:
EARLY VOTE TABLE STOP-BY WITH JASON ALEXANDER AT FLORIDA ATLANTIC UNIVERSITY Florida Atlantic University – ‘Breezeway’ between Cafeteria and Library 777 Glades Road Boca Raton, FL 33431 10:30 AM
PEMBROKE PINES 27 MARCH FOR CHANGE EVENT WITH JASON ALEXANDER Silver Lakes Park North 2300 NW 172nd Street Pembroke Pines, FL 33026 12:00 PM
Boy do I feel beaten up! I'm really not complaining... I'm just not used to being the odd person out in a sea of Republicans, but that's the situation in which I find myself at 850 WFTL.
Now, don't get me wrong. I'm thrilled for the work, and for the opportunity to present our side of the issues to the listeners of a radio station that normally don't have any exposure to what we have to say. But I do get frustrated at times!
Today's podcast features a couple of interviews I taped yesterday, and played on WFTL this morning. However, I have to edit them for time on the radio; here we have no time constraints, except those imposed by the interviewee.
John Kerry only had a few minutes. I was able to chat a little longer with Maryland Senator Barbara Mikulski. They're both included in today's show.
Sen. Mikulski, in response to my question about some of the differences between Barack Obama and John McCain, suggested that listeners read the comments made by Gen. Colin Powell last weekend when he endorsed Obama. So, I said I'd find them and post them here. I also figured it'd be good to post the video as well....
MR. BROKAW: General Powell, actually you gave a campaign contribution to Senator McCain. You have met twice at least with Barack Obama. Are you prepared to make a public declaration of which of these two candidates that you're prepared to support?
GEN. POWELL: Yes, but let me lead into it this way. I know both of these individuals very well now. I've known John for 25 years as your setup said. And I've gotten to know Mr. Obama quite well over the past two years. Both of them are distinguished Americans who are patriotic, who are dedicated to the welfare of our country. Either one of them, I think, would be a good president. I have said to Mr. McCain that I admire all he has done. I have some concerns about the direction that the party has taken in recent years. It has moved more to the right than I would like to see it, but that's a choice the party makes. And I've said to Mr. Obama, "You have to pass a test of do you have enough experience, and do you bring the judgment to the table that would give us confidence that you would be a good president."
And I've watched him over the past two years, frankly, and I've had this conversation with him. I have especially watched over the last six of seven weeks as both of them have really taken a final exam with respect to this economic crisis that we are in and coming out of the conventions. And I must say that I've gotten a good measure of both. In the case of Mr. McCain, I found that he was a little unsure as to deal with the economic problems that we were having and almost every day there was a different approach to the problem. And that concerned me, sensing that he didn't have a complete grasp of the economic problems that we had. And I was also concerned at the selection of Governor Palin. She's a very distinguished woman, and she's to be admired; but at the same time, now that we have had a chance to watch her for some seven weeks, I don't believe she's ready to be president of the United States, which is the job of the vice president. And so that raised some question in my mind as to the judgment that Senator McCain made.
On the Obama side, I watched Mr. Obama and I watched him during this seven-week period. And he displayed a steadiness, an intellectual curiosity, a depth of knowledge and an approach to looking at problems like this and picking a vice president that, I think, is ready to be president on day one. And also, in not just jumping in and changing every day, but showing intellectual vigor. I think that he has a, a definitive way of doing business that would serve us well. I also believe that on the Republican side over the last seven weeks, the approach of the Republican Party and Mr. McCain has become narrower and narrower. Mr. Obama, at the same time, has given us a more inclusive, broader reach into the needs and aspirations of our people. He's crossing lines--ethnic lines, racial lines, generational lines. He's thinking about all villages have values, all towns have values, not just small towns have values.
And I've also been disappointed, frankly, by some of the approaches that Senator McCain has taken recently, or his campaign ads, on issues that are not really central to the problems that the American people are worried about. This Bill Ayers situation that's been going on for weeks became something of a central point of the campaign. But Mr. McCain says that he's a washed-out terrorist. Well, then, why do we keep talking about him? And why do we have these robocalls going on around the country trying to suggest that, because of this very, very limited relationship that Senator Obama has had with Mr. Ayers, somehow, Mr. Obama is tainted. What they're trying to connect him to is some kind of terrorist feelings. And I think that's inappropriate.
Now, I understand what politics is all about. I know how you can go after one another, and that's good. But I think this goes too far. And I think it has made the McCain campaign look a little narrow. It's not what the American people are looking for. And I look at these kinds of approaches to the campaign and they trouble me. And the party has moved even further to the right, and Governor Palin has indicated a further rightward shift. I would have difficulty with two more conservative appointments to the Supreme Court, but that's what we'd be looking at in a McCain administration. I'm also troubled by, not what Senator McCain says, but what members of the party say. And it is permitted to be said such things as, "Well, you know that Mr. Obama is a Muslim." Well, the correct answer is, he is not a Muslim, he's a Christian. He's always been a Christian. But the really right answer is, what if he is? Is there something wrong with being a Muslim in this country? The answer's no, that's not America. Is there something wrong with some seven-year-old Muslim-American kid believing that he or she could be president? Yet, I have heard senior members of my own party drop the suggestion, "He's a Muslim and he might be associated terrorists." This is not the way we should be doing it in America.
I feel strongly about this particular point because of a picture I saw in a magazine. It was a photo essay about troops who are serving in Iraq and Afghanistan. And one picture at the tail end of this photo essay was of a mother in Arlington Cemetery, and she had her head on the headstone of her son's grave. And as the picture focused in, you could see the writing on the headstone. And it gave his awards--Purple Heart, Bronze Star--showed that he died in Iraq, gave his date of birth, date of death. He was 20 years old. And then, at the very top of the headstone, it didn't have a Christian cross, it didn't have the Star of David, it had crescent and a star of the Islamic faith. And his name was Kareem Rashad Sultan Khan, and he was an American. He was born in New Jersey. He was 14 years old at the time of 9/11, and he waited until he can go serve his country, and he gave his life. Now, we have got to stop polarizing ourself in this way. And John McCain is as nondiscriminatory as anyone I know. But I'm troubled about the fact that, within the party, we have these kinds of expressions.
So, when I look at all of this and I think back to my Army career, we've got two individuals, either one of them could be a good president. But which is the president that we need now? Which is the individual that serves the needs of the nation for the next period of time? And I come to the conclusion that because of his ability to inspire, because of the inclusive nature of his campaign, because he is reaching out all across America, because of who he is and his rhetorical abilities--and we have to take that into account--as well as his substance--he has both style and substance--he has met the standard of being a successful president, being an exceptional president. I think he is a transformational figure. He is a new generation coming into the world--onto the world stage, onto the American stage, and for that reason I'll be voting for Senator Barack Obama.
And finally, last night's Thursday night edition of Saturday Night Live's Weekend Update opened with a gem that I couldn't pass up:
Sorry for the lateness of the podcast. It was a busy day, as they've all been lately. But, better busy than idle!
I truly enjoyed speaking with Bill Richardson yesterday. Although these interviews also air on the 850 WFTL Morning Show, I often have to edit them for time. Here you'll get the whole thing, as we have no time constraints on Radio or Not.
So, I hope you enjoy... And please check back tomorrow, as I'll bring you my interviews with Senators John Kerry and Barbara Mikulski. And I promise they'll be up earlier than 8pm!
But now it's my bedtime. Four am comes awfully early!
Charlie Gibson got Sarah first. Then it was Katie Couric's turn. And now, less than two weeks before election day, NBC's Brian Williams got a chance to sit down with both Sarah Palin and John McCain.
According to NBC Political Director Chuck Todd, who does a good job of not allowing his political proclivities to show, said that the chemistry between the two was lacking so much so that they appeared as if two people who had just been plucked off the street and told they'd be doing an interview together.
We'll get two more nights of this, as NBC will stretch it out-- because, as Williams said, "There's a lot of television there." Here's part 1 for your viewing pleasure. Be sure to enjoy Palin's interesting use of the English language at the beginning...
Yesterday afternoon, I recorded an interview with New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson. I aired it on the WFTL morning show today. It's a strange situation over there, where I'm one of the only liberal-leaning people in the building. I'll post it here later today as part of today's Radio or Not. Please bear with me as I try to figure out a schedule to participate in the WFTL morning show and produce and upload each day's podcast.
This afternoon, I'll be recording an interview with Senator John Kerry, and will have that for you tomorrow on the air, as well as here at Radio or Not.
The phones were lighting up with callers a bit upset with my viewpoints, but that's a good thing. I hope you'll call in and support me too, at 877-850-8585.
and all I got was a lousy Obama air freshener! I kid you not!
It was the most imaginative thing I saw being hawked outside Bicentennial Park yesterday. And, yes, we were only outside... because we couldn't get it.
So, in today's Radio or Not episode, I share with you my conversation with the Obama Air Freshener lady, along with some other people-- some of whom got inside and some who didn't.
I also included a couple of interviews from this morning's show at 850 WFTL. The Sun Sentinel's Michael Mayo joined me and Russ Morley to discuss the amendments that appear on Florida's ballots -- he wrote a great primer on them in Sunday's paper.
We also spoke with US Secretary of Commerce Carlos Guttierez, who appeared as a McCain surrogate, so you know I had to go a little hard on him.
Tomorow, a conversation with NM Governor Bill Richardson on Radio or Not!
I kid you not. I'll even post a picture of it later today!
Barack and Michelle Obama appeared at a rally in Miami's Bicentennial Park yesterday afternoon. I wanted my daughter to be there so she could be part of history and be able to tell her grandchildren about it one day.
She still has a story to tell, but not about seeing the Obamas. We did have a great adventure, though. We rode Miami-Dade Transit, opting not to drive and deal with traffic and parking. Probably my first mistake, as public transportation in South Florida is nothing like NYC...
When we finally arrived at Bicentennial Park, we couldn't get in. And we weren't alone. There were thousands in our situation, wanting in, but left outside. Note to the Obama campaign: Have some speakers set up outside the gates so those like us could at least hear what he had to say!
I spoke with a lot of people who were there to roll out the South Florida welcome mat, and will share some of the sound on today's podcast, which I promise is coming!
I'm finally feeling a little better, and getting somewhat used to waking up at 4am again (ok, not really on the 4am thing, but I'm trying to talk myself into it!)... so I will be producing a podcast most weekdays. Thanks for your patience!
By the way, I've gotten a few requests from South Florida listeners to delve into the amendments that are on our ballots. As early voting began Monday, now's the time. So, we'll get an overview this morning from the Sun Sentinel's Michael Mayo... He'll be live on 850 WFTL with us at 8:12 this morning, and I'll add the interview to today's podcast as well.
This morning I began a 2-week stint as "special election contributor" to the 850 WFTL Morning News program. It is sort of enemy territory, as the station definitely has a conservative slant. What would you expect from a radio station that carries Dr. Laura, Bill O'Reilly and Michael Savage?
But, to their credit, they asked me to join the show for the final two weeks of the 2008 election season ... to give the other side of the story, so to speak!
Russ Morley, the host, and I will certainly clash on opinions, and will welcome guests to the show each weekday morning between 6 and 9am. And if something worthwhile is going on, I'm told there's a chance I could comandeer the airwaves from 9-10am as well.
This morning, we spoke with Col. Alan West, who's running against Ron Klein for his Congressional seat, about his contention that Gen. Colin Powell's endorsement of Obama was not that big of a deal. So, I brought on former US Army Captain Phillip Carter, who serves as the national veterans director for Obama for America. Just trying to be fair and balanced here!
We had a few other guests this morning too, dealing with the ugly tone of the McCain/Palin rallies, and the so-called Bradley effect. You can hear all of these interviews at (I'm told they'll be up by 12 noon eastern), and I'll also use some of the highlights in the Radio or Not podcast as we move along.
I'm not sure when I'll be able to get a podcast up today, as I plan on heading out to see Barack and Michelle Obama at Bicentennial Park. In case you missed it, here's the info:
Change We Need Rally with Barack Obama Bicentennial Park1075 Biscayne Blvd.Miami, FL 33132
Today! Doors Open: 3:45 p.m. Program Begins: 5:45 p.m.
The event is free and open to the public. Tickets are not required, but an RSVP is strongly encouraged. Space is limited, and is available on a first-come, first-served basis.
For security reasons, do not bring bags and please limit personal items. No signs or banners permitted.
Public parking is limited. Use of public transportation and carpooling is strongly recommended. Guest parking is available in area downtown lots. Limited ADA-reserved parking available on-site. ADA entrance is located off of the Biscayne Blvd. entrance ramp onto 395 East, located at NE 11th Terrace.
I'm going to go take more of the flu medication and get some rest. I will try to get some audio up on the podcast later today. Thanks for bearing with me through this...
I hope you had a chance to listen this morning, and will be with us on 850WFTL through election day!
Filling in for Thom Hartmann was such a high on Friday. But by Friday night, those familiar and unwelcome flu-ish feelings began appearing.
And they just seemed to take over my being this weekend!
I've been feeling really lousy today too, but trying to get better, as I begin an election season stint tomorrow morning at NewsTalk 850 WFTL!
The people at WFTL realize how important this election is, and we're two short weeks away. So, over the next two weeks, we'll offer in-depth coverage of all the aspects of this histric moment in time.
I'll be adding my opinions to the WFTL Morning Show with Russ Morley, and news anchors Michael Woulfe and Ken Pauli. And I hope you'll participate as well. The call-in number is 877-850-8585.
If you're out of the area, of course you can stream the programming at
Management at WFTL has made it clear that this election coverage is important. So, there may be other opportunities for more in-depth conversation as well. As of right now, it looks like I'll host a show on Saturday Nov. 1 from noon-3pm. And if there's something we just need to keep the dialog open on, perhaps we can even extend the conversation past 9am on a morning or two.
I hope you'll join me over at 850 WFTL!
Today, flu and all, after a morning meeting over at the WFTL studios, I headed over to Las Olas where Hillary Clinton joined Congressmen Robert Wexler and Alcee Hastings, and two of our future Congressmen (knock on wood) Joe Garcia and Raul Martinez.
I'll have some audio from Hillary's speech tomorrow morning on WFTL, and here on the podcast as well. For right now though, I'm going to drink some tea with echinacea and take more of these nasty tasting herbal remedies that my very thoughtful and loving boyfriend brought over last night (along with chicken soup -- how lucky am I?), and knock this flu out of my system. We have a busy couple of weeks ahead!
I just finished up my show, filling in for Thom Hartmann on Air America. It was an honor, privilege, and the most fun I've had with my clothes on in a very long time.
Thank you to all who called, emailed, checked out my blog, and- most importantly- listened!
I will blog about it and podcast some of the audio over the weekend. But I did want to share some info and links with you.
First... the reason Thom wasn't on today was that he is in Los Angeles for a few events. If you're in LA, you can see him at 7pm for speaking and book signing at the Democratic Party Headquarters -San Fernando Valley (DPSFV - - for more info) 14529 Archwood Van Nuys, CA 91405 (818) 995-DEMS.
On Sunday, Thom will participate in a debate from 2p-4p, at American Jewish University, Bel Air CA Gindi Auditorium. To register, call 310-440-1246. Participants Allan Stolk from Las Vegas, Bill Handel from L.A. Stephanie Miller (national show) and Thom Hartmann (national show) ($25 entrance fee).
And, if your tv can get the Fox News Channel without blowing up, you can see Thom appear tomorrow afternoon at 4:20 eastern!
I have the great honor and privilege to guest host the Thom Hartmann Show today on Air America radio. The show airs live on many stations around the country from noon-3 eastern, 9am-noon pacific. To find the station near you, visit If you're in South Florida, I'll be on my old station, 940 WINZ, actually brodcasting from my old studio!
I'll be speaking with Melissa Etheridge, investigative journalist Greg Palast, one of America's best Supervisors of Elections, Ion Sancho (from Leon County FL) about the documentary Stealing America: Vote by Vote by Vote, in which he is prominently featured. I'll also continue my quest to get ultra conservative, NewsMax columnist and former Congressman from Long Island, John LeBoutillier, to vote for Obama /Biden on (or before) Nov. 4. And perhaps a surprise or two.... and hopefully you on the phones.
The number to call in is 866-303-2270.
Although I won't have a regular episode of Radio or Not today, I will certainly put together some of the highlights for a special edition sometime this weekend!
Thanks for all the very kind comments since I sent out the reminder yesterday. I hope to have some more good news in the next day or so, so keep an eye out for another email from me soon!
Sorry for the late arrival of today's show, but it's been on crazy morning... and afternoon! I'm preparing to guest host the Thom Hartmann Show tomorrow, and working on a few things for the future (that hopefully I'll be able to share with you shortly), so I kept getting interrupted while working on this episode of Radio or Not.
Today, I share with you some of the highs and lows from last night's debate, the final one of this election. As I said earlier, there was one question asked by Bob Schieffer that is a prime candidate for satirization this Saturday night.
On Tuesday, I quoted a line from one of my all-time favorite movies, Blazing Saddles. Today, I can share with you the two scenes from which that line came. And I put it out there again today and ask why those who are so afraid of Barack Obama don't just come out and say what they really mean!
It's crazy busy here at the Radio or Not headquarters, and it's all good. So much to share with you soon... Today's show will be a look and listen back to some of the highlights of last night's final debate. There were some pee in your pants moments that were tailor made for SNL. In fact, I certainly think we'll see the question about how each candidate's choice for VP potentially becoming President as fodder for another Tina Fey portrayal of Caribou Barbie. At least I hope so.
And there's the chance we'll see Sarah Palin herself, you betcha!
I'm waiting for a call from Melissa Etheridge, with whom I'll be taping an interview for tomorrow's show (I am guest hosting the Thom Hartmann program on Air America radio, in case I haven't mentioned it often enough...)
So, thanks for bearing with me as I enter into an unbelievably exciting time. Details on the next big thing coming soon....
What is the deal with male politicians? Why can't they keep their pants zipped up?
I've just gotten to the point where I've stopped getting angry when I think of John Edwards, and this moron from Palm Beach shows that he too thinks with the wrong head.
Don't get me wrong. I'm about as far from prudish as one can be. I don't give a damn what people do in their private lives. But the lives of elected officials, and especially those running for office, are not private. They are public by definition.
And if one aspires to become their party's representative, they must realize the inherent responsibility therein.
So, Tim Mahoney gets my "Little Head" dedication. ("Little Head," by the way, is the name of a song from the album of the same name by one of America's best living songwriters, John Hiatt. Although this is not my favorite John Hiatt song, it perfectly fits this situation!)
Today's show looks at McCain's weekend backpedaling, and features an interview with Ellen Brodsky, founder of the Broward Election Reform Coalition, and candidate for Broward County Supervisor of Elections. Listen and find out why it's better to vote early in person than by absentee ballot (and how you can do that if you get an absentee ballot in the mail!)
And just FYI, calls to schedule an interview with Dr. Brenda Snipes, the incumbent Broward Supervisor of Elections, have not been returned!
This is a very busy week for me! As I've already said about a dozen times, and am likely to repeat at least that often, I'm guest-hosting Thom Hartmann's show on Air America radio this Friday. I obviously have a lot of prep to do, in addition to everything else I do on a daily basis.
On Wednesday morning, I'm speaking at the Hollywood Hills Chapter of Brandeis University Breakfast Showcase, giving a speech on the radio business. Yes, I am available to speak to your group too; send an email or call 305-653-1159. So, there will likely be no Radio or Not program Wednesday or Friday.
I spent this past weekend taking a course entitled The Art of Living, which continues tonight and wraps up tomorrow night. As I'd do a disservice trying to explain it, you can just click on the link to find out more. The course is offered in 150 countries around the globe.
I chose this title today as it's the song (by Peter Stuart's Dog's Eye View) that played in my mind yesterday upon hearing the news of the massive losses on Wall Street. On the one-year anniversary of the Dow's highest closing ever, the Dow closed below 8700.
I don't pretend to be an expert on money, except for how to spend it and rack up the bills, but I do know that what's happening is scary, and substantial.
Today I reached out to Jim Bliekamp, the "very special correspondent" who used to contribute some thoughts to my radio show, whose regular job is as a reporter for the Wall Street Journal radio report. He and I talked about what's going on in the global economy and I, as the ultimate layperson, tried to understand it.
Today's a crazy, busy day for me. In the quickly and ever-changing word of radio, there's a trend called "voicetracking". If you think the radio "DJs" you listen to are in your town, chances are, you're wrong. I voicetrack weekends for a very cool radio station in Des Moines. This week, I'm also filling in for the afternoon personality, Deeya. So, today, I have three shows to record.
If you feel like hearing my in "DJ" mode, and want to check out a great radio station, go to I'm usually on Saturdays from 10am-3pm and Sundays from 2-7pm; and this week (and today) I'm on in the afternoon, from 2-6pm. All times are Iowa time... you'll have to figure that out for yourself!
And thanks to Mike Emm who posted this link on the message board. It's too good not to share it here.
It's Yom Kippur, and if I were a good Jew, I probably wouldn't be doing a show today. But to all who are observant, have a good fast. I will today, though, atone for all my sins, which I suppose includes eating.
Today, we're still on the topic of Tuesday night's debate. Following the debate, as I mentioned here, I appeared on the Marc Germain Show at, to "debate the debate." What it turned out to be was a very contentious discussion between a guy named Andrew Breitbart, who runs a news-aggregate webstie, and myself.
That show has gotten a lot of attention, and even prompted a call into RadioOrNot on today's show, so I thought you might like to hear it. Just click here to check it out. And bookmark the site.
I used to listen to Marc Germain when I lived in LA. He was known at Mr. KFI at KFI, then as Mr. KABC at KABC.... and shortened to Mr. K at KTLK, where he also finally used his real name too. KTLK is the "progressive talk" station in LA, where Marc worked until they replaced his local show with a syndicated program. Such is life in the talk radio business these days.
Yesterday afternoon, I had the opportunity to chat with Thom Hartmann about the debate, and where he thinks it'll go from here. You can hear that conversation, as well as my chat with listener Eric on today's edition of RadioOrNot.
And here's a little gift... the newest Obama campaign logo...
Of course, there are some very hot Congressional
races here in South Florida. Tonight, you have a chance to see the three Democratic challengers who could change the political face of South Florida.
Who: Raul Martinez , Candidate for Congressional District 21 Joe Garcia, Candidate for Congressional District 25 Annette Tadeo, Candidate for Congressional District 18
What: Democratic Rally Hosted by Barry University Young Democrats
When: TODAY, Thursday, October 9, 2008 Doors open at 6:00PM
Where: Barry University – Miami Shores Campus Landon Events Room in Landon Student Union 11300 N.E. 2nd Ave , Miami Shores , 33161
The second Presidential debate was held last night, this one supposedly a "town hall" format. It really wasn't. And Tom Brokaw was as ineffective a moderator as is possible.
But it just reaffirmed what I already knew: Barack Obama is looking more and more presidential every day, and John McCain is looking more and more like the dottering old man he is.
On today's show, I dissect the debate, and we listen back to some of the answers that completely amazed me.
If you missed it, you can watch the whole thing here:
One of the things that jumped out at me during the debate last night was McCain's insistence, twice, that the presidency requires a "cool hand" and "a steady hand at the tiller." It's fascinating to me that he would stress that, given the general knowledge that McCain's temper is legendary. In fact, if you go to YouTube, and enter McCain anger, you'll come up with pages upon pages of videos.
Robert Greenwald's Brave New Films released a new video today about John McCain's rage. Watch it for yourself here.
This press release just came in as I was finishing up today's blog. It has to do with South Florida Republican incumbent Congressman Lincoln Diaz-Balart, who's facing a very tough challenger in former Hialeah Mayor Raul Martinez. I'll just post the press release in it's entirety. I'll see what more I can find out on it by tomorrow:
For Immediate Release: October 8, 2008
Indicted Puerto Rican Senator: I Gave Suitcase of Cash to Congressman Lincoln Diaz-Balart
Miami FL - Puerto Rican Senator Jorge de Castro Font, who was arrested by the FBI on Thursday, has implicated U.S. Congressmen Lincoln Diaz-Balart, claiming to have traveled to Miami with Congressman Luis Fortuño of Puerto Rico to deliver a suitcase full of cash for Diaz-Balart's re-election campaign.
Puerto Rican Senator Jorge de Castro Font has been indicted by a federal grand jury on 31 criminal counts including bribery, wire fraud and money laundering.
In an interview with WAPA TV in Puerto Rico, De Castro Font stated: "I am not going to remain quiet. I am here talking with you. If I was quiet . . . just the other day I said that ask him ... Luis Fortuño said the other day that he was never with me that he has not seen me in four years. Ask him if he went with me to deliver money to Congressman Lincoln Diaz-Balart of Miami . We sat together in first class."
In a separate WAPA 680AM radio interview in Puerto Rico, De Castro Font stated: "I traveled with him [Luis Fortuño] to Miami to give money to a U.S. Congressman. He didn't tell me anything else. Ask him when you interview him if he went to take money to Congressman Lincoln Diaz-Balart sitting with me in First Class on American Airlines." In the interviews, Senator De Castro Font claims that the cash for Diaz-Balart was given through the Fonalledas family, and that the trip to Miami to deliver the cash was prior to Fortuño becoming the "Resident Commissioner" - non-voting Congressman in the U.S. House of Representatives in January 2005.
These are serious allegations that Diaz-Balart must address. Did Lincoln Diaz-Balart meet with the Puerto Rican Senator Jorge de Castro Font and Luis Fortuño? Did he accept $50,000 in cash? Where was this money reported? Is there proof of these contributions and a record? Lincoln has a long history of ethics violations and breaking federal campaign finance laws. Lincoln Diaz-Balart has found guilty and fined $35,500 for breaking federal election law on several occasions. In March of 2000, the FEC released an eighteen-page report announcing that Diaz-Balart's campaign would be fined $30,000 for numerous violations discovered during a year-long audit of the campaign's finances for the 1997-1998 election cycle. The report detailed the collection of $114,000 in contributions that were never accounted for and $30,000 in illegal contributions. In 2001, the FEC announced that they fined Diaz-Balart's congressional campaign $5,500 for filing late campaign finance reports during the 2000 election cycle.
Transcript - WAPA TV Interview with Puerto Rico State Senator Jorge De Castro Font 2:05 Mark WAPA TV Reporter: Are you going to remain silent. Senador Jorge De Castro Font: I am not going to remain quiet. I am here talking with you. If I was quiet . . . just the other day I said that ask him ... Luis Fortuno said the other day that he was never with me that he has not seen me in four years. Ask him if he went with me to deliver money to Congressman Lincoln Diaz-Balart of Miami were sat together in first class. Reporter: When was that? Senador: And ask him who took the money? See what he says. See if he says he never took it? Reporter: When did that happen? Senador: When he was the Resident Commissioner ( Congressional Delegate ). Senador: Sure. The money we took him was on behalf of the Fonalleda family. Reporter: You were with him? Senador: Yes Reporter: In Miami? Senador: Yes Senador: He controlled the money he had the money not me. I don't know? He knows what happened. Reporter: How much money was it? Senador: Ask him. I know but you need to ask him. He knows what he has to say. Reporter: More than $50,000? Senador: Ask him at a press conference.
Transcript - WAPA 680AM San Juan Interview wit Puerto Rican Senator Jorge de Castro Font "WAPA 680 AM San Juan..." "Good morning. Keeping you up to date with the most important news of the day up to the moment...from San Juan, the fact that Jorge de Castro has been charged with 32 counts of bribery and extortion has not stopped him from speaking out about acts that, up until now, had not been made public regarding leaders from his party. In a Radio WAPA exclusive, de Castro revealed that he traveled to Miami along with the President of his group Luis Fortuno with the sole purpose of giving money to a U.S. Congressman. According to de Castro, the trip took place before Fortuño became the Resident Commissioner. But at his trial, it seems as if Fortuño forgot." Interviewer: "He says that he hasn't spoken to you in 4 years?" De Castro: "That's a lie." Interviewer: "Do you have proof of that Senator?" De Castro: "That's a lie. I traveled with him to Miami to give money to a U.S. Congressman. He didn't tell me anything else. Ask him when you interview him if he went to take money to Congressman Lincoln Diaz-Balart sitting with me in First Class on American Airlines." Interviewer: "Why were you taking him that money Senator?" De Castro: To give it to the Congressman for his reelection campaign." Interviewer: "So Luis Fortuño traveled with you? What day was that?" De Castro: "That was before he became a candidate for Resident Commissioner in Washington." Interviewer: "Oh, Well..." De Castro: " I know him since I was small." Interviewer: "Ok, but what he had said was that in the past 4 years, he hadn't spoken to you." De Castro: "He's lying." Interviewer: "He's lying?" De Castro: "mmhmm (yes). He is revealing things slowly. Notice how he didn't discuss his investment in Toa Alta and he revealed it yesterday." Interviewer: "This money was taken by Luis Fortuño to the Congressman you spoke of, Diaz-Balart?" De Castro: "Ask him when they make him available. Ask him." Interviewer: "He took the suitcase?" De Castro: "Of course. Ask him when he has a conference. I'm sure." Interviewer: "Of course. He took the suitcase, but you don't know how much was in it?" De Castro: "No, I don't know how much was in there." Jorge de Castro is a Senator of Puerto Rico. Luis Fortuño is the Resident Commissioner for Puerto Rico.
Yesterday was the first Monday in October, the day the Supreme Court returns to the bench. This should serve as a very serious reminder of what's at stake on November 4. The next President will appoint definitely one, probably two and very possibly three Supreme Court Justices.
These appointments will determine the course of this country for probably the next 50 years.
Watch this clip of John McCain, just a few short months ago, praising George W. Bush for his Supreme Court nominees:
Mon Oct. 6, 2008 Today’s the first day of the Supreme Court’s new term, and President Bush is using the occasion to appear before the Cincinnati Federalist Society. He’s being joined by a coterie of right-wing judicial activists who helped him push hundreds of nominations through the Senate. Among them will be Wendy Long, whose Judicial Confirmation Network just launched a nasty smear campaign against Obama.
Bush is taking a victory lap, and you almost can’t blame him. Of all the terrible things that he set out to do, shifting the federal courts far to the right is the only thing he’s achieved. A full one of every three federal judges were appointed by Bush, including Chief Justice Roberts and Justice Alito on the Supreme Court, and they have steadily chipped away at our rights.
But Bush couldn’t quite close the deal – the right-wing bloc on the Supreme Court is still one vote short of an unstoppable majority. Justice Stevens – 88 years young and the most progressive member of the Supreme Court – stubbornly refused to retire. Justices Ginsburg and Souter, who have reportedly eyed retirement, also weathered the Bush reign, presumably in hopes of a better political environment next year.
What that means is McCain, if elected, stands to achieve Bush’s goal of a right-wing court. There’s no uncertainty here – McCain has pledged to nominate “clones of Roberts and Alito”: So that’s where we’re at. The next 40 years of the Supreme Court are on the ballot.
Tonight is the second of three debates between BarackObama and John McCain. Showtime is 9pm. It's going to be a "Town Hall" style debate. So, if you were in the audience, what question would you ask? Feel free to head over to the message board and chime in....
After the debate tonight, at about 11:30 eastern, I'll be joining my friend Marc Germain on his live webcast at to talk about what we just saw. If you're still awake, I hope you'll listen in!
Tomorrow, I'll have lots of debate audio and perhaps a conversation with Thom Hartmann.
And if you're playing the drinking game tonight, it's one drink for every time McCain says "My friends." If you do that, I doubt you'll still be standing to listen tonight... so I'll talk to you tomorrow!
Ooh, Sarah "If I smile and wink maybe they won't realize I don't have a freakin' clue" Palin said on the stump that Obama's been "palin' around with terrorists." (I think that's how you spell 'palin''-- that's pal-ing, without the g at the end, as we learned on SNL... she omits the g at the end of 'ing' words, right?)
Thanks to an email from listener Mike in Ft. Lauderdale, CNN did the rebutting for us!
But now that the gloves are off, and we see that the McCain campaign is going to dredge up all kinds of dirt (ie nonsense), the Obama campaign is bringing out the facts they've been sitting on thus far.
Although I've been screaming about the Keating Five and wondering why they've been silent on it, I now realize that they were probably waiting for the home stretch. The difference between this and the mud that the Cons will sling is that this is all true, and it relates directly to the economic crisis in which we're now enmeshed. And John McCain was smack dab in the middle of it.
The Obama camp today launched a new website at And it contains this 13 minute documentary. Please watch it and forward it to everyone you know (if you want to forward this site, of course, I wouldn't be opposed to that either!)
Oh... and this afternoon I had the opportunity to chat with former Florida Governor and Senator Bob Graham. He was on a cell in his car on the way up to Gainesville, so the reception is, in spots, spotty. But he's always great to listen to, so I hope you will!
Last night was the most highly anticipated political debate in recent history. And, I must admit, I was disappointed on a couple of levels.
Sarah Palin did better than I expected she would. I was hoping for more blatant screw-ups. But she did screw up, and the pundits are overlooking her blunders!
She got the name of the commander on the ground in Afghanistan wrong. Can you imagine if Joe Biden had done that?? And he was too courteous not to correct her (he should have!)
She cited some alternate version of the Constitution that I've never read when she said that the powers of the Vice President were basically flexible. Thank goodness Biden corrected her on that one, but no one in the media seemed to have noticed.
In case you missed it, it is certainly worth watching. You can do that here:
This morning, I took a call from listener Clive, and we discussed the debate. Then I called on NewsMax columnist and former (conservative) Congressman from Long Island, John LeBoutillier, to talk about what the hell is going on!
This just in: The House passed the Bailout bill. I hope they know what they're doing, because the more I read about it, the more nervous I am about what they are saddling us with. I spoke with John LeBoutillier about this as on today's show as well.
Monday on Radio or Not, I'll be joined by former Florida Senator and Governor Bob Graham! Have a great weekend!
Since the one and only debate between the Vice Presidential candidates will happen tonight, I thought we'd use today's Radio or Not episode to listen back to some of Sarah Palin's greatest hits. So, I assembled some of her best quotes, with the help of EMF's "Unbelievable". I hope you'll listen and share it with your friends.
Now, keep in mind that just because she's shown utter stupidity in the past, that doesn't necessarily mean she'll bomb tonight. Rachel Maddow last night spoke with the moderator from one of her Alaksa Gubernatorial debates, and he said that she's very skilled at skirting the actual issues, but coming up with zingers that the audience loves. And the Huffington Post today has a piece, along with some video, with a similar warning here.
Last night, the Senate overwhelmingly passed the Bailout Bill (sorry, I refuse to use their "rescue" vernacular), by a vote of 74-25. The biggest surprise for me was that one of my Florida Senators, a heretofore useless backbencher named Bill Nelson actually voted against it! For this man to stand up to party leadership is a shocker!
We'll see what happens when the House takes it up again tomorrow, especially since the Senate loaded it up with so much pork to make it more palatable for some of the Senators who otherwise would have voted against it. I just don't understand how John McCain could have voted for such an earmark-laden piece of legislation! Didn't he say that he'd "make them famous" of those who supported pork projects?
I told you last night that I had some good news to share today. On October 17, I'll be guest hosting The Thom Hartmann Show on Air America! I hope you'll listen and let your friends know that I'll be back on your radio that day...
Ok, I obviously never got a show online today. But it was a busy day nonetheless!
Yes, I got a nap, but I have a feeling I'll be hitting the hay early tonight, as I still haven't caught up from last night.
I also got a new computer! I figured that I needed speed, memory and hard drive capacity that my old workhorse just didn't have. With the stuttering and hang-ups from the old machine, it probably took me 3 times longer to produce each episode than it will with the new one. So, beginning tomorrow, hopefully you'll hear a difference! At least I'll feel a difference.
Michael Moore did what he promised yesterday, and came up with a really common sense solution that would probably serve our elected officials well, if they were to read it. You can read it here.
The Senate is about to vote on their bailout... um, rescue bill. Sorry. It's a bailout. And the more I know about it, the more against it I am! We'll see what happens, and we'll go over it tomorrow.
I also have a bit of good news to share with you on tomorrow's so... so I'll talk to you then.
I'll be uploading today's show later today. I'm moving in slow motion this morning after a sleepless night, probably due to a combination of a cacophony of frogs croaking outside my bedroom window, a bad bout with my restless leg syndrome, and the typical things that keeps one awake at night... especially in the midst of a global financial meltdown when one has just lost their job!
But, aside from being very tired this morning, I actually have lots of reasons to be optimistic, which I hope to detail for you later or tomorrow.
In the meantime, I've assembled a few links and video clips you might want to check out. I spent the better part of the morning coming to terms with the fact that the Republicans actually kept us -- for a couple of days, anyway-- from being the victims of another crime perpetrated upon the American people by this administration. I'm not sure if the heist can be averted, but there are a few amazing Democratic members of the House of Representatives that are working toward that end.
I hadn't heard of Marcy Kaptur before yesterday, but I became a fan after watching this video of her in action on the House floor Monday morning:
Rep. Kaptur hails from Ohio, the land of Dennis Kucinich. He, too, has been vociferous in his opposition to the bailout, calling instead for help from the bottom-up. He appeared on MSBC's Rachel Maddow Show last night:
On another note, a brand new Quinnipiac poll released today shows BarackObama ahead of John McCain, and above 50%, in the three swing states of Florida, Pennsylvania and Ohio! As someone who lives in the backward state of Florida, I can tell you that I'm very surprised by that one.
And I can't tell you how excited I am about the VP debate that'll take place tomorrow night. Sarah Palin just keeps outdoing herself. I think this is my favorite clip so far:
Ok.. I'm going to try to take a nap, and hopefully come back later to record a show...