Click here to listen to today's Radio or Not podcast by Nicole Sandler
If you watched yesterday's convention coverage on any of the networks or big cable outlets, you certainly saw Hillary Clinton hit one out of the ballpark! And you saw former VA Governor and now Senatorial Candidate Mark Warner ... um... speak.
Not exactly the most electric keynote speech. At least he had the good sense to recognize in his speech that Barack Obama had that spot 4 years ago. Not even in the same league, let alone ballpark! (Just to keep the sports analogy going...)
Perhaps the Dems would have been better served if one of the other speakers, who didn't get the coverage of the other two, had been the keynoter.
Dennis Kucinich. Wow! I didn't know he had this fire inside him. Where was it during the primary season? If he showed this then, well, he still wouldn't be the nominee. But perhaps he would have been included in more of the debates! And he would have been taken more seriously. If you didn't see him speak yesterday, and if you were watching MSNBC, you didn't, then take a few minutes, and be proud:
But, we already knew about Dennis, and what he stands for. I've been lucky enough to interview him a number of times both during primary season about his candidacy, and after, about his articles of impeachment against both Bush and Cheney.
Watching Montana Governor Brian Schweitzer was a wonderful surprise. He was smart, funny, dynamic, and spot on with a great speech. Again, Mark Warner, listen and learn from this guy:
Hillary was brilliant. I was blown away this morning by the talking heads on MSNBC. I guess I've been lucky that I hadn't heard "The Morning Joe" before. I used to have it on in the studio, but the sound was always down. I hadn't realized what a right-wing tool he was until this week, when I've actually had the chance to listen to what went on there.
I heard him and Pat Buchanan talking about how Hillary didn't have her heart in it, and just wants the presidency in 2012. And Mika, who I guess fills the role of the chick on the show, just nods and echoes whatever the men say. Yuck. Give me Keith and Rachel, or no MSNBC for me!
I was sorry not to have a local microphone this morning to discuss a few of the primary results. I'm thrilled that Dr. Larry Feldman won a seat on the Miami-Dade School Board. I know he'll serve the students, parents and teachers very well.
In the Broward Sheriff's race, I wish Democrats had done their homework. Scott Israel is a Republican, who only changed his party affiliation after Charlie Crist appointed Al Lamberti as interim sheriff after the resignation of Ken Jenne. Israel had written a letter to Crist, saying he intended to be the Republican nominee for Sheriff; when Crist rebuffed him, he decided to run as a Democrat. At this point, I hope people don't continue buying Israel's bull, and vote for the guy who admits being a Republican! I endorse Lamberti!
Tonight, Joe Biden will speak at the convention. As will Bill Clinton. Two guys both known for having sharp tongues and wit. It should be fun. I'll be watching, on C-Span!
And I'll talk to you tomorrow.
Hear today's podcast by clicking here!
2024's Last Unsettled Race: 'BradCast' 2/12/2025
5 hours ago
Monday morning, the Nicole Sandler show on 940 WINZ, the only locally programmed Progressive Radio Outlet in South Florida, was silenced. It was replaced by the syndicated Don, the BOZO, Imus show. Emails of protest to Ken Charles, the local Director of AM Programming for the radio monster, Clear Channel, resulted in the predictable drivel that it was an economic decision. What was silenced was the only radio vehicle for Progressive Candidates to reach the voters during this critical political season. Clear Channel maintains multiple Right Wing /Republican outlets. As an operator of the public airwaves, it is Clear Channels responsibility to function in the best interest of the community which may not be necessarily in their best financial interests. They must restore a path for local Progressive Candidates to reach the community. The most straight forward way is to bring back Nicole's program. If not, it is time to challenge their rights to their public channels.
Robert Auer
Key Largo
Great to have you back on the e-waves. I missed Kucinich so I'm glad I have chance to hear what he said on your site. Here's a note I wrote to the Herald with a copy to Ken Charles:
Dear Editor,
Your curt reporting of Nicole Sandler's ouster from WINZ is a slap in the face to the many, many loyal fans of her show. Nicole was a breath of fresh air in the toxic environment that has become the media. Nicole told the truth. She delved into local political issues, especially education, and revealed the hypocrisy of Florida's two-tiered economy. She spoke about how the unbalanced Florida legislature had an agenda that would ultimately destroy Its public education. Nicole was prescient in her assessment. Your own columnist Fred Grimm recently made the same observation.
The fact that Nicole's show had low ratings isn't a reflection on Nicole, but on South Florida listeners who settle for mindless music, stupid chatter, and the fear and hate propaganda spewed by Right Wing talk radio. Nicole offered a progressive view, one that was honest and insightful and one that her listeners will surely miss.
The station used guerilla tactics in replacing Nicole with Imus. There was no announcement made; it was as though she and her show never existed. One day her photo and blog were on the web site, the next day she wasn't. I for one am boycotting WINZ. I hope Nicole's other listeners will do the same thing.
Hi Nicole:
I listen to your show regularly (but not daily). I just came back from a trip and when I turned on 940am I found imus on. Is Ken Charles out of his mind? I called him to complain as many other people did. I hope he will reconsider. I love your show!!! You kept us informed of local politics which is essential to know. Why imus? a republican, racist weirdo?
I hope you keep your voice local, loud and clear. We need you!!!!
We need honest people willing to tell us what's going on.
Thank your for being in this world. I want to hear your voice.
HI Nicole I realy miss you in the mornings. You were great what you were doing you always tell the trouth, we need you now becouse of election, shame on Ken Charles I think he is out of his mind.
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