Monday, December 21, 2009

Coming up tonight...

Round 2 for this Monday. I had a great time guest hosting The Randi Rhodes Show today, and will be back again tomorrow and Wednesday. Tomorrow on Randi's show, I'll speak with former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich and call on his expertise about the health care reform process. I'll also be joined by Tony Hendra, who worked with George Carlin on his "sortabiography," Last Words.

Tonight, on my regular Air America show (11pm-1am ET), I'll speak with journalist Sasha Abramsky about his new book, Inside Obama's Brain, and we'll re-cap the latest developments from the Senate regarding health care reform.

You can listen online here, or click the link to your left (or here) and watch the broadcast. Yes, I'm moving into the 21st century! And, if you're so moved, call in at 866-303-2270!


Kate Anne said...

Healthcare -- I still remain very ambivalent because it is a poor bill. Whether it passes or doesn't pass we have so much more work to do on it. I'm joining as an auxiliary member PNHP's local chapter -- (Physicians for a National Health Program) as we need something better. There is only so much we can do, but I have been in touch with my Senators and congressmembers numerous times and will be again. Via various listservs I am on, via Facebook, and via Twitter, I keep recommending to my friends/family/colleagues that they do similarly. (And I post links.)

Thank YOU for speaking up.

Peace hugs from NYC!

RadioOrNot said...

Thanks Kate Anne. A great post, and good on you for getting involved. We all need to do that!