Thursday, January 07, 2010

Ray McGovern on the CIA

I just wrapped up one of the most fascinating shows I've ever hosted. With the recent spate of national security and intelligence failures, I invited Ray McGovern on the show.

I first learned of Ray McGovern some 3 1/2 years ago, when he stood up to challenge Donald Rumsfeld about the lies that got us in to Iraq at a speech Rumsfeld was giving in Atlanta. You might remember this:

Since that introduction to Ray, I've been reading his articles and have had the opportunity to interview him a few times.

Today, he published an article at entitled "Why Counterterrorism is in Shambles."

Over the past couple of weeks, he's written a few other pieces that certainly piqued my interest. On December 22, he wrote "Break the CIA in Two" and on the 29th, "Are Presidents Afraid of the CIA?"

All are required reading! And when you're done, click here to listen to my interview with Ray McGovern!


Unknown said...

I heard the interview a few weeks ago and it has stayed in my mind. Want to hear it again. Haven't read the required reading yet but I plan to do it by tomorrow. I am hoping to write something for a local Peace Center newspaper.
What I remember from the interview was his candor, intelligence and total sincerity. And that he is concerned about the state of security in the USA.
Personally, I am hoping for the day when "homeland" will be dropped from the American vocabulary. Every time I hear someone use that term I get slightly sick. But we must remember that it is just a symptom of an illness that we are hoping to find a cure for-soon.